Chain Mail Bikini. Skimpy, Almost Nude, Near Naked Sexy Outfits

Muting this thread, too.

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Idk, but I find myself always throwing the special edition football toy at people in skimpy mogs :nerd_face: Also just cruising through this thread looking for posts from moonguard players :rofl: :popcorn:

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Maybe this warning by another player about Goldshire on Moonguard might be what your looking for? I’m providing this video as a public safety service.


I have some character that would run around in their underwear if given the chance.

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That’s what Goldshire in Moonguard is all about? Hahahaha your kidding me right!?

Yo, its time for those Goldshire participants to climb out of their mom’s basement and go out into the sunshine again. Please get some fresh air. Maybe that will clear up your Psychosis.

Yeah years ago i made a female human warrior named Battlebooty to check it out because i was curious. I was not disappointed as pornshire was full of a bunch of weirdos, it made me laugh more than anything. It makes blizz Harassment claims look tame lol. Its probably where the cubicle crawler guys hung out.

TLDR. Women can be absolutely beautiful to heterosexual men. There’s nothing wrong with that. Matter of fact, it’s normal.


i like to make my female characters more attractive, simple as that.

My (virtual) body my choice. :angry:

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Please let us hide our pants blizz.


Theres a 10 min toy you can use,to remove all your armor.

I like the mog you have

Eyup. And I don’t think Blizzard should make any skimpy armor unless it’s skimpy on all characters. Which makes some men go “eww, nevermind!” very, very fast.


You do know Blizzard is in California, right?

There are people in RL on beaches and public pools who run around with almost nothing on. Why do pixels burn eyes, but not RL people?

I know Azeroth is fake, pretend, pixels and code numbers. I’m a bit prudish, and conservative conscientious how I dress in RL, tank top, shorts and sandals is what I wear to a beach.

I feel here in Azeroth I have more freedom without being judged by others. Most of my characters are Horde, I don’t like Alliance for having too many humanoids.

How I dress my characters is how it fits their fantasy, not all of them wear skimpy outfits, because it doesn’t fit their fantasy that I find suitable for them.

My characters also have tattoos like my Nightborn, Tauren, Orc, and Troll. How do tattoos or warpaint show if no one can see them?

I’m going stamp you as a troll, because of the statement here:


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How dare you be so judgemental?! I am appalled! Appalled I say. You who don’t want to be judged are Stamping other people with what? A Branding Iron! Or something? Do not judge, least ye be judged!

And what does that say about you. Huh?! You have admitted for all to see that you are a painted women!

Thats real nice. Please keep your choice under wraps! Try clothing. Clothing was invented for a reason. Clothing has been worn for thousands of years. Modesty is a virtue! Only Harlots walk around undressed advertising their sinful choice.

In this video our hero Link doesn’t seem to be bothered by running around in only his jockey shorts.


With a 30 min cooldown. Damn killjoys.

Level 36, no signs of playing the game I can tell by your mount collection you bought the game than dropped it. It’s ok to quit an expansion if your not enjoying it.

Paying $15 a month to play with peoples minds, I don’t know what to say about that.

I’ll talk to you again when you are level 60, not seeing eye to eye with a non player.
