Skywalkergrl, human mage. Started playing at release. I don’t remember the names of my guilds, or offhand the names of people I played with the most, but I’ll know them when I see them. (I think was Ariuelle, a NE) I do see a lot familiar names though!
Holy cow. I totally remember being in la Costa Nostra. I have no clue what character I played at the time, maybe a gnome mage named Chuckgnorris or “Little”. I forgot that LCN completely. Thats nuts.
I was in Pirate Penguins for most of vanilla under the name “Daggster”. I didn’t really raid but if anyone was in the guild let me know! My Dad will also be playing some classic again.
I remember seeing that guild tag! Great name.
I was on Cenarius from before retail launch. I ran a test group on the server during the year before we went live. My toon has always been Tir – I was in a variety of Guilds: Afterlife (back in Thotts day), Future, and a few others with alts such as Divinity, Ancients of Azeroth and others. Still have toon on Cenarius even now, but moved main to a more active server.
lol … reposting using my more recent main … still Tir
Jokel/Niknak here.
I just rolled a couple Horde toons on Bigglesworth, and Alliance toons on Old Blanchy. Gonna split the difference between PVP and PVE this time around, see what sticks and then main that. Really looking forward to playing a Shaman this time around!
EDIT: Well Bigglesworth has a ridiculous queue so I’ll probably start over on another server. I can’t decide which name is least lame, though....
Flaor! We were the best of the best! Add me on steam or message me here. I’ll be playing on PVP server Fairlena
Oh hey! that’s awesome. I’m bnet friends with Talonlionx, Mortimer, Onayn still Nice to see more Apostles Light peeps! Anyways, I’ve ended up on Westfall - Horde right now (the server queue was shortest where one of my friends was.) I did reserve names on Pagle - Alliance with another friend but damn that queue last night…
Kover, Night Elf shadow priest of Eventide, and other guilds I don’t recall. People from ET may remember graciously waiting on my dial-up when the non-stop spawn tunnel in AQ40 would kill my connection… Seeing a bunch of names I recall killing hordies at x-roads with
Tallone, Human Paladin, I was in WipE playing with my Aussie peeps. Lots of fun memories. Wish all well from Cenarius.
Yo!!! It’s fluffi bro. you playing classic? get at me on FB
such a cool thread. i was Cel the gnome rogue, used to play in back in the day! was usually out front of iron forge dueling lol. anyway, cool to see some familiar names, need to find a server to play on – is there a spot most of the old cenarius folks are all congregating?
I’m playing on Whitemane (Human Rogue again!) this time the name is Zlata.
I was in Avowry at one point. Couldn’t remember some of the guilds I was in, but as soon as i read that, it came back to me.
Human mage named Mackey. Was in knights of ni , i think almost finished MC with them until had a falling out over something stupid and friend got me into thornguard for a bit where i finally got to raid on the off days in mc/bwl and got semi geared before i quit.
I remember everytime seeing a Hardcore Heist member with the pink tabard or afterlife member drooling over their gear lol. I rolled horde undead mage on tirius but will reroll if I can connect with any old friends! (pally who got me in thornguard i forgot your name bro, hopefully you come back some good times)
I remember you in knights of ni, not sure if you remember me (was a mage, Mackey) but i was the annoying squeaker back then throwing snowballs at everyone, triggered people in ventrilo lol.
Not sure if you remember any other members, i remember yanakilla (ne druid) and her husband who was a dwarf hunter. Also lildivokillz was a top notch mate, we actually met up irl and entered a pvp tourney in burning crusade, lost contact with him over the years.
Trying to think of more names in the raiding crew, their was the paladin who organized the mc runs. I remember knights didnt use dkp and was a /roll on whod get the loot which was frustrating lol
Been a super long time Sami!
Posting on behalf of Warlock Macbeth from guilds Thornguard & The Sundering. Looking to reconnect with old guild members Jaide, Kreeper, and lots of other friends from the guilds.
Playing on PvP server Bigglesworth as Macbeth. Discord Macbeth86#2537.
Yo man! We raided in The Sundering together. Good times buddy!