Cenarius Alliance Reconnections

I was in Encore! Name then was Ectrim the NE druid.

Hey Tallone! If I recall right you were one of Garu’s friends from US. I used to be Tiras - a Resto Druid, had to change name to Lenka after transfer to Dath’Remar. It sure was lots of fun time.

Hey bro I actually remember watching you duel outside of IF you had almost a full set of blood fang set lol

Hey guys I played a dwarf hunter named Thoen back then, I was in the guild The Fire Within, it got disbanded prob before BC launched. I was wondering if any buddy remembered a human mage named Frozenmage? he was one of my guild buddy’s that I would love to reconnect with in classic.

Wow it has been forever, what’s going on?!

Avalorian here… The dorf paladin… Proud member of The Sundering… Velaris, Tehyaa, Nash, Hisoka, u still there??

I was in Disavowed in Wrath but not before that. Eismay, Tauren Druid as a Bear, then later I changed to a Troll Druid still always played a Tank. Don’t know if anyone will remember me or not.

I was in Avowry too. A RL friend, Gryfalia invited me. Can’t remember which toon was in there, Gnimish (Gnome Warlock or maybe my human Priest).

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I think I was in Ancients of Azeroth, might have been with my NE Warrior, Zakhiras. Can’t remember too long ago but the name hit me as familiar.

OMG, Rative sup! I was in GoT with you all. Pretty sure I ran my NE Warrior, Zakhiras as my main back then, or my Gnome Warlock Gnimish. I remember Orcsbane and Tinuviel, your name as well. AQ40 was great, we did a lot with that little guild.

So sorry I got my toon’s mixed up. I was in Disavowed on Stormyrain Night Elf Druid Bear Tank. I can’t believe I got that all mixed up. LMAO I have too many toon’s now that’s my problem!

I fully remember the name Gryfalia! Trying to remember other names and Manoi and Miraspel come to mind too, and Dumma being GM, of course.

Don’t know if you remember me Stormyrain Night Elf Druid I was with you all in Disavowed in Wrath. I was a Bear Tank then.

My character in vanilla was Slayernlf. I was a human warlock. I was an Officer in the guild Eventide that helped get Eventide started into raiding. Oh the good ole days of classic. Curious how many I know are coming back for Classic.

I definitely remember a few who have posted here. Did a lot of pvp with you Methods!
P.s. Kharan I love you

This was closer to BC than Vanilla, but I was a young punk with my dad in Liquid Courage. I was only nine when I started so I wasn’t really smart enough to make the connections, but I was a human rogue named Dragonmark. My dad had several toons: a human rogue named Whiskeyrose, NElf hunter named Chetski, dwarf warrior named Drunktank.

I’m currently rolling Alliance on Bigglesworth. Whisper Umi or you can add my bnet at Kayochin#11410. I’d love to hear from someone.

FYI, Avowry still exists on the Cenarius Server. They have created a classic Avowry guild on Atiesh.

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Carintha - gnome warlock. I have very fond memories of Cenarius. Played with:

Ancients of Azeroth
Seven Deadly Sins
Sovereign Alliance

DUDE!!! this is Macbeth! I finally got my account activated again, hit me up sometime. Im on Bigglesworth as Macbeth

Jaide, remember our pvp group in Thornguard?? Imranus, Shootist, Dellex, you? Im on Bigglesworth as me, hit me up

I remember you, Rative. You and Amerlynn literally taught me how to play the game. I also remember your imp, Gelloz, and the tradition of one-hand opening adult beverages at the start of Molten Core.