Cenarius Alliance Reconnections

hey Niknak, would you be up for joining a reunion of Dreams of Ysera / Cenarius exiles on any of the new servers?

same man!, havent picked a server either, waiting for one that wont fillup immedietly after i make a toon in it :stuck_out_tongue:

Same here. I am planning to main shaman this time around, but I will also have several other toons, horde and alliance. I might resub tonight just to see what my old character looks like since I left in mid-TBC.

Blaumeux might be good since people seem to hate names they can’t pronounce. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Oh wait, that’s PVP. Not sure if I wanna do that this time around. Ooga Booga!

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Flaor, Dwarf Rogue
Guild: The Sundering
Hoping to reconnect with: Skizzik, Yx, Natsukii, Hisoka(Chibimomo), Elleria, Megrim, Triton, Velaris, Killmore, Tregga, Sincerely, Trifle, Kreeper, Eman, Lubu , Vittra, Papadacus, Tabbie, Zummol, so many more…

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Nugrut - Natures Fury

Got bored and figured i’d search bar Apostles Light ha I remember your name. I was a hunter Rorelend, and also a priest after that Healsme. I remember Talon, Zurr, Footballka, Jdevil. I’m sure if I saw more names I’d remember.


Your name looks framiliar, I was Rorelend and Healsme in Apostles Light. With Talonlionx as the guild leader. I remember Zurr, Footballka, Jdevil among others.

You sound familiar. So does Talon

I will be on Mankrik with a few others. Remember Sylver or Kilshandra ?

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Definitely! Warlock, right?

pirate guild best guild

come over to pagle, oratory. :frowning:

farlin misses you.

Farlin - Pirate

Playing on Pagle

I was Helmsdeep the Dwarf Warrior which stayed my main for every xpac since then and always stayed on Cenarius (but haven’t been as active the last few xpacs… what is this Level 117 madness). I leveled in Sands of Time which was a smaller guild, then I joined Crimson Storm and raided MC, and I finished Vanilla with The Usual Suspects.

I remember I was so happy when I got my Tier 2 Wrath helmet from Onyxia, I still have it in my bank even though transmog exists. I loved to talk off topic and troll Trade Chat and Global LFG. Its hard to remember who I met in Vanilla vs BC vs WotLK, it all kind of blurs together, but there are so many familiar names in this thread hahaha.

I miss these early days of WoW haha, I think they should’ve used the original server names for classic so that all the old Cenarius could be together on one server!


Sup Sami, long time no see.

Man I remember you from random 5-mans way back in Vanilla when I was still leveling, you had the best attitude tanking and always made pugging dungeons tons of fun. It made your name very memorable and I’ve seen you around now and again in previous expansions. Glad you’re still around!

Jokel here, reposting with my old vanilla main! Look him up on the armory.

Kreeper is alive and well, I talk to him often. Since is around as well, we are friends on Steam - he still plays a random smattering of games. I connnected with Killmore a long time ago, but haven’t heard from him since. Hope you are well - not sure i’ll be playing classic, but good luck!

Anyone here from Arathian Knights?

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Yep haha, on the off chance you are rolling horde on Stalagg hit me up. Nordie#1135.