I remember Aroree as well it was good times and very memorable despite how simple an act it started as.
I remember you too, Qoz
Many old names and good times remembered.
imgur /a/44X4Z
Wont let me include a link…add a dot com after imgur
Hey Gris lol theres a pic of you sleeping in bc in the album that i posted above haha
Jenishanda, Troll Hunter. I was running with Dark Assembly, back in Classic. Also, if anyone else I used to run with is still kicking around
Hi Qoz!
Yeah, nostalgia is what’s bringing me back. Lots of things I miss about old shaman and their hybrid abilities.
Won’t be exactly the same, but I’ll have fun with it. Unlike games I own like SC3 or Fallout, it’s a game I couldn’t replay just for the heck of it. There were private servers, I suppose. But they also didn’t contain familiar faces which this will.
You probably don’t remember me Redearth, but I definitely remember seeing you all over the place back in the day. Valewalker, NE Druid, think we fought a few times in Thunder Bluff. Nice to know you’ll be around again.
My guild mates and I have fond memories of defending Crossroads and other wpvp shenanigans with a certain tauren that also occasionally organised premade alterac valley raids back when we could use a trick to queue together.
We have been trying to remember his name for ages…Does that sound like that could be you? Your name brought back memories!
Wouldn’t be me. I never did many BGs on this character. There is the likelihood it might have been someone from Far Travellers or possibly the Horntotems. They were pretty involved in the WPvP stuff back in Vanilla. Some of IPA were too, including myself a bit, but not enough to organize things.
I thought about that guy a lot, and couldn’t remember his name either. When I saw your question, I went and found a bunch of screenshots I took during this fantastic PVP event he helped organize. A bunch of us got together to raid Darnassus… we gathered at Splintertree, then went to the Zoram Strand, then RAN up the coast, on the water, and hopped the boat in Darkshore.
I can’t post links, else I’d share the screenshots. If you want to, search for “Jacques Straw” under “people” on flickr and you can see where I just put them up. What a blast.
Those are by far my favorite memories from Vanilla.
The amount of blood Evernight and our allies spilled for the horde was epic!
The server situation is a nightmare atm but when it all settles down I hope I end up on the same server as you guys so we can do it all again!
Gierolf, Tauren Druid
Malady, Undead Rogue
Malady helped me learn the basics of playing a rogue and was a beta tester.
Simbela - Tauren Druid (Resto) “SIMBELA SQUISH”
Simmy - Troll Hunter
Sister to Ambela.
I honestly can’t remember guilds that far back.
Would be amazing to see a Chavara, Banem, Dobako, Melekarn & crew (the Aussies & Poms!).
I played Blackhooves - Tauren Druid
Blackcow - Tauren Hunter
Guilds - Some pirate themed guild that merged with Kaos Knights
Pandas under Mormatins fantastic and witty guidance, what great pvp, and he was FAF. I totally forgot it was Team Penguin…muhahahah
My sons and I were in all these guilds together, one of their Toons were Mirio Undead Mage, Mirion Undead Warrior.
I still have GM of Kaos Knights on CC, don’t remember which toon though.
Evernight was rolling on Whitemane but now that its full you will likely see us on Grobbulus. I hope to see some of you there.
You forgot the best part of that raid, when we organized simultaneous world defense pings on every Alliance outpost in the world right before hitting Darnassus. I don’t know that anyone on Alliance who has WD on had a sudden moment of panic, but I like to imagine they did.
Karim- Orc Warrior-Cenarion Circle - Animus Minor
Kaiho Darkest Night
Some others from the old guild will be playing as well like Grum and Keothi.
I recognize this name. Used to raid with you on my UD Warlock Kalabast.