Cenarion Circle Horde Reconnections

Griswald - Orc then Tauren Shaman

Grisildor - Blood Elf Paladin

Orbaz - Undead Death Knight

If anyone from The Scoundrel Kings or the early Order of the Ebon Shield days are looking for somewhere to play, a few of us might be coming back on either Bloodsail Buccaneers or Pagle.

Or if anyone from The Fighting Mongooses from TBC are around as well let me know!

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I played an undead warlock named Potara in the guild [Non Entity] during BC. Disbanded sometimes around the release of ZA. Split into a few guilds and there were a few people from Non Entity I played with a lot!

I doubt he is still playing but the guild leader of Non Entity at the time, Ivo is someone I have wanted to get into contact with since the disbanding. A few others (I don’t remember names sorry!) that were officers in the guild!

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Kalabast UD Warlock from back in the MC/BWL days of BoR.

Remember doing lots of runs with Kelvala, Zerix, and Myst!

The Fighting Mongooses are still around, even though I’m really the only active member :slight_smile:

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Ziji ‘ere. Still in Far Travellers, but currently on hiatus from the ol’ adventurin’ career. (i.e. not subbed at the moment). Unsure if I’ll be coming back or not, but it’s fantastic to see so many names I recognize from literally decades ago.


Sacharine/Aspartame of Brood of Reckoning and The Fighting Mongooses (AKA Slash Gquit until we got reported)!


Niamuh is here, an undead warlock. I say Hi to all the guild fellows Modas Il Toralar. I remember a lot of people but not all names, Aziel mostly the leader. I had such a great time rping with all of you.

I had a friend named Crene, an undead warlock as well which I helped a lot. Nimmy miss you!

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I was in Grim at same time. Had an Orc hunter named Drakhound and Troll Shaman named Logosadeem. Any idea where any former Grims will end up, server wise?

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I recreated some of my Horde on Bloodsail Buccaneers.

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Vigdís - Orc Warrior

Erinyes Sisterhood, Order of the Ebon Shield, The Fighting Mongooses (represent)


Wakishaki (troll hunter) of Dreadforge Pact (before that War Chasers) here to implore you to roll on Grobbulus RPPvP!

All the beauty of RP and all the immersive excitement of PvP!

Anyone remember my mate Korica (Orc Warrior)? He and I were buddies before he hit 60 and formed his guild War Chasers, the two of us! We both eventually joined DFP (iirc) and he went on to be R14 PvP! I quit WoW before I hit R11-12
;-O We would no-life BGs all day… I remember so many names mentioned here in those wonderful endless Arathi Basin runs.

If anyone remembers being in “the PvP group” and/or wants to have a great experience with other fellow Cenarion Circle players, come join the Grobb mob!

Grobbulus currently has a higher population than the RPPvE server Bloodsail Buccaneers (according to the rank order in-client) but we can always use more friends on any RP server!

Lok’tar and for the light!

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I remember running with that crew in Wrath I believe. Well I remember Aspartame at least because my with played a mage and we had three mages all with names starting with A which made things odd in chat haha

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I’ll be around, but I don’t know that enough of the OES will be around to reform the guild.

I still have my TFM bacon mug!

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I remember helping you along time ago!!!
This is Prot Warrior Khazz.

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Khazz here , I wonder how Tamos is doing?

I remember you, Redearth! I used to come walk with everyone on the peacewalks in Ashenvale you started way back when, and I still remember when Aziel tried (did?) kill you :slight_smile:


Very fun times those Vanilla raiding days.

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Technically, I didn’t start it. It was started by a Nelf named Aroree. I just joined them and it gained me fame because I walked them flagged which caused both great RP and great controversy. >>



Qoz, undead mage, Ishnu Por Ah. Not subscribed right now but I gotta admit the nostalgia sure is eating me.