Cenarion Circle Alliance Reconnections

Hey all!

Played as Haveshea (NE Druid) and Ivyana (Human Rogue). Was a member of The Power and the Glory back in the day running with CCRA, and then with Outlandish Fortune for most of Burning Crusade and Lich King.

Nobody likes you and you smell funny.

Skul the majority of the old old Freelancer folks are going to be on Mankirk Horde side. I’ll never get Danlock to come back, or Maitress, but that’s alright.

<-- Dwarf Priest Triverce with Freelancer btw.

Tilci was also one of our main tanks.

Actually have Freelancer started on Bloodsail thanks to Tesha, any old members are welcomes as well as new faces. I’ll make a horde toon on Mankirk and chill with the other side too.

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Nylarthotep! I remember you!

Doubt anyone will recognize me but I used to play Apolan, a human paladin with a few guilds in vanilla, the only one I can remember being From the Ashes. They were great, put up with a lot of my dumb kid nonsense even in raids.

Only player name I can remember is Rahzek, another human paladin, we used to spend hours jumping into the unfinished zones and exploring.

Triverce!! So are you guys all going horde, who else is playing?

Whats your battle tag I’ll add you guys

McKinley here! I remember so many of you guys! <3 It’s great to see so many of your names here. Makes me wish a little I was buying into the WC Hype

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Hi Ashtyn! This is Solomon (Solo), I was a gnome mage back in the KoK. I definitely remember you! I’ve often wondered what Xanda, Israfil, Anjell, Verise, Hao, Ashtyn, Derithon, etc… and the gang were all doing these days… it’s been a long time! I hope you are doing well :slight_smile:


Glad you’re still kicking, old friend. :wink:

-Arly (RaidWerks’ Resident Snarkmeister)

Hey Fanny! LTNS!
I’m quite sure I’m one of the two rogues ya can’t remember. =P


Arlandra (normally referred to as just “Arly”) here. =)

Standout Characteristics:

  1. Would stand in IF all day and night unlocking lockboxes by the AH; as well as refusing to play any other spec than Combat/Swords. Imp Sap? Pfft.

  2. 2nd Nelf on CC to have Stormwind Pony.

  3. Had Key to UBRS; constantly complained because some knob would always allow a Hunter or Pally to roll on the Dal’Rend’s OH. (Like WTH?)

  4. Once skinned the Pristine Hide of Drama and no one argued.

  5. Vanity Pet Addict whose collection took up 95% of my Bank. Hycacinth Macaw 4 Lyphe!

  6. Always complained of having no bag space in General.

  7. Refused to join a Guild.

  8. Always had an answer (typically a sarcastic one) for everything.

  9. Raided with RaidWerks.

  10. Helped one too many n00–I mean, “newer players”-- with the !@%^!&@ “Jailbreak!” escort quest for Onyxia Attunement. If I ever see something IRL that I hate, I picture Marshall Windsor and go ham on it.

Carp! Edared here! been a long long time … you playing WoW classic?

Edared NE Rogue; looking for members of Bladestorm; Deez , Kendal, Setah.
Looking for old PVP buddy ; Zeldanus. Crazy to see familliar Guilds and names here.

Sup Alek. Played with you Kindring off and on again. Good to see you again.


I’m Delrith, night elf warrior. Used to hang around Goldshire a lot. I was guild master of a small guild called “The Empire”, we had a pretty tight community. I only remember a few people that I hung out with frequently by name: a dwarf plate-wearer named Darthtader, and a night elf druid (i think) named Untamedheart. If you guys are out there, i’d love to catch up!

Good to be back! Great to see names I recognize even if I never got to know you. If anyone from Bladestorm, Blackwater Circle, Eternal, or Warcraftier is around and want to get together, I’ll be around on Aesun or Ingryd on Bloodsail Buccaneers.

OMG Axxis! /wave

Ferriel here me and sakria from Bladestorm still play.

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