Cenarion Circle Alliance Reconnections

I’ve attempted to summarise the information at:

Ed. Its Deez. How ya doing man

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makes me sad i havent seen more ergo bibamus ppl posting…we were a pretty solid group at the time

I Ran with Bound by Blood too. Laurabeth human priest.

Hey Oron, long time no see!

Im gonna pop onto Atiesh later. Who else has resurfaced?

Woops, meant to post as my old toon, not one of the new ones. Zeebeast.

I raided with CCRA, midnight mob, and malevolent. I hung out with the order of the black flame from time to time.

hey Kiyea :slight_smile: long time dude! MCK and SNAKE! hehe, hope you’ve all been doing good.

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Deez!!! hey how are you?? crazy to hear back from you bro, you still play? i got back into wow classic what about you?

Teufel (Night Elf Hunter) of the Swiftriders guild. Hoping some of the old guildmates sees this. Amaron, Thayne… you out there!?

Night Elf Hunter from Swift Retribution, character name back then was Ycelm. Would love to see if any swifties are still playing! Discord - Lolzumad#1040

This thread brings back all the memories

In vanilla is was
Qwaleen Night Elf warrior in Soul Reckoning
Malorgon Human Shadow priest at first Soul Reckoning then AEvelotion.
Jexnell NE huntet alt

Would love to reconnect, saw so many old friends already
Anuvaren. SP.


Still play “Jump” when ever I kill Ragnaros

So did all the Soul Reckoning guys meet up on a server?

I have a lock on Bloodsail Buccaneers

Hey all, Llandrek here, the bubble master paladin. Hoping to meet up with some old friends if they ever show. Starana, Reddis, Laven? Doubt they’ll show, but figured id reach out. Ill be on blood sail buccaneers, wasn’t much into RP back then but it grew on me, add me, I have the same name, only a warlock this go around.

I played a druid named Peak fairly regularly from late 2005 to mid 2009. I remember raiding in Classic, BC, and WOTLK but I don’t remember the guild I joined a short time before BC came out that I raided with. I most did resto, but would occasionally respec. I remember playing with a hunter named Nevik and another resto druid named Lyricka.

Ahh the good old days when Xanda would lead us and we would try to get Haozhao to speak on vent!

I Tanked for Heaven and Earth on Balsta a dwarf warrior with Anos back in the day.

Looking for a few peeps.
Peeps from Guilds Ergo Bibamus and Captains of the Obvious
Toons - Ciance, Chiaku - Human Priest

you probably won’t remember me but I use to play a male NE rogue named Gaidoku. I know we raided a few times together.

I remember you. Donatello here human rogue. I remember when the guild left the server everyone thought it was me that took gengislou’s name on the new server. It wasn’t me

Hey I played a human paladin named whitelight which was then changed to veson would.love to reconnect with some arbiters of the woods members