Cenarion Circle Alliance Reconnections

Sent you a friend request!

Order of Sinfonia and Epic Coalition are guilds I raided on/with. A lot of toons across multiple servers, but CC was my home. Here are the ones I play most during Classic/BC:

  • Xabren - Dwarf (orig Human) Priest
  • Nylarthotep - Human Warlock
  • Lumac - NE Warrior

Human Rogue
AAMS Alliance Branch/Pia Presidium

Played mostly horde side (Spinock, on horde) but as a member of the AAMS got to know lots of folks on both sides!

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Hey dude whats up! I’m not sure which toon i’ll be leveling first but I still have Hargivas on CC so look me up!

Greenthumb, looking for former (Eternal) friends. Hope all is well and hope to cross paths again in the near future!

Hello All!

Hairyman (later named Gunshy)
Dwarf Hunter
Heaven & Earth

Looking for lost Aussie friends that might be playing on Arugal!

Howdy Strangers!

I am/was Samego (Now mostly Tahrel still on CC)

I was in Hellish Daggers, then LO

Mostly stuck to Goldshire lake, looking forward to seeing some of ya soon!

I posted here on another character but since Hargivas has referenced me a few times I figured I’d throw another post up. Like Hargs I’m looking for anyone that rolled with Soul Reck.

I also started Project Voodoo with Dartaneon and pulled a few disparate Soul Reckies over after BC launched. In particular if anyone’s heard from Dartaneon, Andothiel or Kyrisha please let me know.

Otherwise if you were part of some of the ridiculous BGs we did with Soul Reck or even if you joined Project Voodoo post-BC launch, please reach out, would love to reconnect.


Heya Kae! Good to see you too!!!

It looks like there’s still a few Bloody Sin and Scions of Azeroth people floating about. I only raided with BS for a little bit before it fractured over loot policy, so the only folks I remember are the ones that stuck around after; Blackleaf, Tristann, Celadon, Heridfel

Quicksteel was a character. A ton of Captain Morgan Rum.

/waves cheerily back!

smiles brightly, swings her backpack off her back, and pulls out a loaf of bread
Hey there! Long time, no walk!

You taught me how to play a priest! Took me into BWL with greens and blues.

Shaedow here! I was a Night Elf Rogue. Don’t remember much about guild or other players I hung around with but if anyone recognizes my name at all let me know!

Also couldn’t find you on Discord. Sent you a request on the battle.net, hopefully ya see it!

Cantankerous (among others) - Small Frye

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My main back then was Zantron , Human Warlock. Was in Elite Knights Of Azeroth fallowed by Second Dawn. Also played multiple alts within those guilds. Zarcon-Human Paladin, Sarcon- NE Rogue, Violetmist- Human Priest, and a few others whose names have changed so many times i cant remember.

I was Stavka the human rogue, a newbie scrub back in the day. Looking for anybody who remembers the guild Order of Arete?

Fel Wizard Acerba is back in action on classic’s only RP server.
Currently futzing about in Elwynn Forest.
Edit: I’m gonna have to put together a Nightwish, Within Temptation, et al. soundtrack to set the mood.

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