Cenarion Circle Alliance Reconnections

I remember the Arbitors! They had a Gnome warrior tank named Edwin. And a Night Elf rogue named Quicksteel.

I raided Molten Core with them during my only vanilla raid. We killed Lucifron and Magmadaar, but wiped repeatedly to Gehennas. LOL! We weren’t much of raiders, I guess.

My friend was in Knights of Kalimdor. Nyalune, Night Elf hunter. I don’t think she was very active in the guild, though.

That would be it. Started there with you folks before we all went our separate ways. Was good times, hope life has been treating you well buddy.

My name was Carpedium (Yes, I spelled it wrong. I know.) I’m looking for member’s of Bladestorm. I was a human warrior who thought he knew how to tank back then.

Nephren you glorious unending well of heals how are you doing! The Bear’s name you are looking for was Kujako. Pretty sure that mage was Carvink/Mordil, although he has all but disappeared from what I have gathered.

When you can, send me a message in game, would love to see if we can get a group of people back together on the same server.

Things are going real well, hope they are for you too man.

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Amazing. I remember all of you! Tell Geng I said hi. Was Bound by Blood until TBC - I was that obnoxious, immature DPS warrior who spent more time looking at the meters than whatever pit I’d be falling into next.

I’m presently doing my own thing over on Grobbulus. What a long, wonderful and sometimes horrendous road it’s been.

A bit late posting here. I played Leidus (paladin) and Allwynd (druid). Member of New Dawn Rising during vanilla, and Fluffy Dragon from BC to now. Raided with Epic Coalition.

Returning to the game with old NDR, Fluffy, and EC friends on Pagle if anyone I’ve missed isn’t aware of that yet. I’ll be recreating Leidus and Allwynd there.

I also still occasionally play Leidus on CC in retail if you want to find me there, though I doubt I’ll be on there much once Classic releases.

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Hey bud, miss yer face(right around my knees)!!!

Looking forward to it!

I’ll be there, but switching sides.

I’ll see you on the battlefield…

Kaekae…think remember you. I played Pally Axxis mostly, warrior Elaran and some other random alts

Special thanks to Magicio! I was able to contact Selirria in game tonight. I appreciate you taking the time to respond to me buddy.:beers:

The OG Tarren Mill Terror himself…I never could out farm you in the open world days.

TBH I really want to know what ever happened to PackHunter the warrior. LuL

(a draft starts the candle flame dancing at your desk)

“I don’t remember leaving the window open,” you think, confused, turning toward it.

<Door screeches eerily closed behind you>

“Who’s there?” you gasp turning slowly around the room edging near the sword covered in dust hanging over the mantle.

“I haven’t had to use this in many years, ages really, but I still do know the forms taught to me by Varian himself!”

Turning slowly, searching every shadow, instincts coming back like an old lover, feeling the rage start rising.


Only the wind answers.

Slowly, the blood stops pumping, you start to relax, keeping the sword readily at hand next to your desk, you sit… and notice something out of place.

“That book wasn’t there when I got up?” you ask yourself quite sure you are losing the edge of battle you once thought so keen.

Lifting the book and placing it back on the shelf next to your desk, a piece of paper slips out and slowly rocks back and forth to the floor.

You bend slowly, pick it up, turn it over to see a ragged scrawl and read:

–They have me… They are… Turning… Me! Come to Grobbulus… Help!!!–

And signed at the bottom, a name you have not seen in ages… Derni!

You grab your sword, pull out your armor from the case under your bed and prepare to fight again!!!

Let’s try that again… sorry!

Main was a Human Paladin: Eledhwen

Been a long time since I’ve played on CC.

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Scerce, Human Paladin
Raided mostly in Elite Knights of Azeroth and Second Dawn.

As of now, probably going to play on the Pagle server, but might go Atiesh depending on how populations work out.
Hey, Twiggz.

Didn’t you kick my @$$ at the front gates of Lordearon with a cursed sword waaaaay back in the day??

Also my RealID tag is KryptonBrian#1346 if anyone would like to message me directly prior to Classic kickoff.