Cenarion Circle Alliance Reconnections

Offers Bonney and Clyde some freshly caught fish


GIRL WHAT. Add me Chlorure#1966 Nych and me are gonna be horde on Herod! :slight_smile:
I’m so glad!


Hey, I recall raiding with you - I had a paladin in Broken Crusaders named Ithamar. I think that druid tank might’ve been Kujako. If we’re thinking about the same mage, they might’ve had a warrior named Mordil (can’t remember the mage, maybe started with a ‘C’). There’s a couple of BC/LO peeps in this thread. Welcome!

Hargivas, Voshdov, and hopefully Nienn will be rolling on Grobbulus as Alliance. I’ll be leveling as Hargivas or Feathermist to start. Look us up if you want to hang out.

Indeed. But I made him after BC launched because finding a tank was hard at 70. :wink:

[edit] Uninteresting fact: I made Tinken as a slight to most tanks of the time. Thus the gnome with a pink comb-over. :stuck_out_tongue: I also made it a point to try to not turn down requests to tank for people back then–which got harder as end-game raiding became more of a thing. :S [/edit]

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We are going to roll Alliance naturally

I wish I could remember the names of the other 2 rogues and 2 druids I used to stealth run dungeons with. Those were good times. Sneak into a boss’ room, each rogue getting 5 cp’s then vanishing, the bear doing his fite while the rogues do their things and rounding it all off with a mew-healer. :wink: Ah, the good 'ol days. :slight_smile:

[edit] We mostly ran Sunken Temple and BRD for the enchanting mats at the time, still it was fun times. [/edit]

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I think my rogue Cluricaun did some stealth LBRS for gloves? with you, and i think i healed you a lot with my priest Eirinn on normal runs

I was a priest with Unwanted at the end. Eirinn

Oh, I needed a lot of heals during normal runs… thinking I was a tank and all as a rogue. :stuck_out_tongue: I know I was probably one of like 5 rogues that took the 2% dodge trinket from the UBRS quest to get 52%+ dodge. :smiley:

NE Hunter named Uuy. Was in the guild Adventurer’s Brigade and raided with CCRA and Epic Coalition.

Fleshmauler NE druid also played kindleress human mage… pheonix knights… remember playing with a few people: Flintsteel, Ithamar, Rinna(littlerain), Cappro, Felric, Rutiger, Locke, Bunny, Hemanora, Tricksterkel… many more that i can’t even think of right now

Hi the name is Twiggzs Played a night NF Rogue. I was in the guilds Elite Knights of Azeroth, Second Dawn, UP, and then Heaven and Earth. When BC came out I transferred severs with Heaven and Earth or what remained of it.

Tried to message you on Discord but couldn’t. Sent you an invite as BeauregardQuitman. I was on CC as a dwarf paladin…Troicheil.

It’s a me! Mario! No, wait… I mean Troicheil! WOoooooo!.

Troicheil, here. I’ll be back doing the healing thing again. Looking forward to seeing old friends. Anyone heard from Bludwolfe?

Holy crap. The memories.
I started in BC however I ran with a few guilds. Immersion, Lights Hope, The Frozen Flame
Played as Claimer, Claim, Cerule, Amilye or Ponpon.

Looking forward to seeing you guys <3 Feel free to add me Claimer#1477

Edit : Where is Troldann?

NE Warrior named Lennaron
NE priest named Romang
Still playing on CC.

well… this looks fun

I’m looking for members of the guild Soul Society. Later changed to The Chosen. Then most folks left when Wyrmrest Accord opened. Short-lived, but extremely fun guild. Great folks:


And many others. Any of you still play?