Celebrate 15 Years of World of Warcraft With New Alabaster Mounts!

nah i dont work for blizzard, i make videos about wow though, mostly classic. I also dislike store mounts.

but im logical i dont like to just go right to 'UGH STORE UGH"

  1. This is part of an out of game promotion, would you rather these cost 25$ on the store? or blizzard say “the only way to get these is with our limited run 100$ box, have fun collectors”

  2. no mmo is able to survive on subs alone, atleast wow has no power gains in its store, or even things to allow you to get notcieably ahead of others, and thank god for wow token allowing people to pay for stuf with ingame gold.


classic launches this month…

Also the actual anniversary mount is coming in november, the deathwing mount.

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ESO also has a massive shop filled with power gain, cosmetics, boosts, and required things like character slots. It is not “ONLY” optional subscription.

Eq was in a very different time.
Also wow didnt, wow has had store mounts since vanilla

TCG mounts to be exact, those things made blizzard bloody rich. Then wotlk with the store mounts.

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2,000,000 active subscribers is a monthly income of $30,000,000.00

Yes… how do they survive on those crumbs.

offering a mount in the store for $25 and assuming that maybe 1/3 of the playerbase will purchase.

well thats over 16 million more in that month.

And if you add in Tokens. Lets’ say 25% of people purchase at least one a month.

That’s 10 million a month.

And the big one… level 110 tokens… if 25% of the population purchases one a month.

That’s another $30,000,000 in the bank…

These poor Blizzard guys must be living on ramen and bank loans for sure!


oly mount i want is the bee mount :honeybee:

So you are doing videos for classic but care a lot about this one shop mount here which is another disgrace for WoW?

This Mount could have been a special reward for doing something worth INGAME you already pay a subscription and you pay the expansion every 2nd year which makes already a lot of money for blizzard and let’s not forget character transfers name changes faction changes and what else.

adding another shop mount is just obvious for blizzard not making enough money anymore with things offered in the current game.


yes i know that, but most of those games ALSO have a store aswell.

I don’t care classic launches this month, it says 15 year anniversary, and that’s not till November. what it sounds like to me is Blizzard is running out of money and they’re doing everything they can to pad the books. Trying to get people to pay for subscription 6 months in advance and now this.


yes, and we are getting the deathwing mount for that.
Again mmos like wow cant survive on JUST subscriptions.
No, these mounts are part of a bundle, that sadly many people missed out on, so instead of saying “f you consumer” they are letting everyone get em.

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Completely false. The very first store mount was the Celestial Steed. Which Came out in I think Wrath of the Lich King.


Ok, this is crazy talk… You actually think 25% of players are buying a level 110 tokens each month?

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that is besides the point. you do not require a subscription to play the game.

Blizzard requires a subscription and also has a store that is generating millions more a month than subscriptions will.

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i mean this is the 15th year of wow aniversary, not the month, but the year. A big enough cleebration already.

Also funny cause 6 month subs actually lose them money since they get less money from you. They want you to do month by month to get the most money.

Would you rather they force you to buy a 100$ bundle instead to get these?

No its not, its a game that has both an ingame store, and an optinail sub>
MMO’s these days are forced to

Free to play with store
Free to play with store and sub option
Sub based with store

Those are bassicly the choices

Bornakk can you tell the art developers to take a look at worgen and goblin model threads please? I appreciate their artwork, but prefer if they could add more love to the character models customization.

it’s just a guess. but I know people that have purchased multiple tokens.

I’m not saying that the same 25% of players is buying tokens month to month. a player who bought one this month, probably wont buy one next month… but the player who didn’t buy one last month, may purchase one this month.

In any case… they are selling lots of them, I have no doubt. and those sales are likely far larger than subscription revenue.

Why are you defending this greedy practice so hard? Honestly sounds like you get paid to defend them as a WoW classic youtuber, why aren’t you an MVP? They went out of the way to add not one but 2 store mounts in a “2 for 1” deal and using 15th anniversary as a sales pitch. If you give leeway, they will keep adding more and more store mounts.


It is an interesting theory you have but I don’t agree. I don’t know anyone that has purchased a level 110 boost at all in game.

I just told you again what we have to pay, for example You buy Overwatch once for 40$ and you’re done for it. For WoW you have to pay EVERY expansion AND a subscription at the same time.

Mounts gated behind real money shop is bad and shouldn’t be in this game as it doesn’t need it.
How did WoW survive btw Wotlk, BC and Classic without any kind of money but the subscription?


well, that accounts for a handful of people out of possibly millions. so ok.