CC Thread: Making Solo Farming in Old Legacy Raids less....annoying

Original thread here: Making Solo Farming in Old Legacy Raids Less... Annoying? - #2 by Níghtstalker-malganis

Just giving my 2 coppers on some of the things they’ve discussed

Agree here whole heartedly, if it’s multiple kills having it account wide is fine, if it’s one kill having it character specific is fine, not both, and not neither either

Again: 100% agree, especially with how many classes have grown more mobile/zippy over the years and other’s haven’t, it means it can take ages for say, a Warlock, to run through an old raid if they didn’t take the ‘burn health to go fast’. Especially if you kill trash/loot it and have to run out to vendor things because you don’t like to waste.

This, OH MY GOD THIS. I was trying to farm for Armagedon way back wen for a mog set I thought would look good, didn’t get it…until I ran Nax on my mage, and that is INFURIATING to have happen! Just treating all BoP raid drops as ‘unlocks appearance period’ would solve a TON of frustrations!

This here I think will also have problems with SL raids (and to a lesser extent b4a, as that can be scrapped for crafting mats at least) and I agree with your solution to the artifact relic side but think this is caused by an underlying problem of putting socketable borrowed power items not only in raids but in game in general (really looking at you domination shards)

I think a way to fix this would be to make the boss actually targetable/attackable during the RP while they monologue and let the player able to attack to interrupt/cancel the monologue and start the encounter, but only in legacy content, as this would be funny/entertaining in my opinion for a catharsis type feeling if that makes sense?

Legion Raids aren’t the only thing that needs this, I haven’t tested but Heart of Fear in MoP has an issue with the Empress doing a mind control that instafails the encounter if you are solo and it goes off (protected cast mechanic), then there is the squid priest in Shrine of Storms, and the Witches in Waycrest (this last one at least can be interrupted if you burst down the middle sister fast enough so that she drops they eye before using the puppet)

Glory Achievements: No real thoughts on it here as I don’t really play for achievements (generally)

I like this alot as some one that has I think 1k+ combined Galleon kills and still no saddle drop between all of my toons (I have like…15-20 toons camped at his spawn point that log, kill him, log out weekly for christ sake) I’ve honestly lost count/stopped counting after doing it for 5 or 6 weeks strait. The super low drop rate is painful, and I think a good way to approach for low drop rate items like this would be 1% minimum drop chance, but each failed drop on it increases the chance by 1% capping at 50% chance to drop until the item in question drops. This doesn’t make it a ‘garuntee’ and could still take a very large number of kills and some randomness to it, but would MASSIVELY mitigate the odds of taking years of weekly kills to get a single item to drop.


How so? Conduits do not take up a loot drop in SL raids.

What would it be for BFA? the azerite still has an appearance you can collect.

Azerite armor yes, azurite power tokens for HoA, not so much.

I wasn’t refering to conduits actually but more the ‘legendary memories’ for post SL, as well as the fiasco that were Shards of Domination (Idk if those are still in the drop table or not tbh, but I’d maxed one out through LFR only to take a week or two break and then boom it’s useless now which is a TERRIBLE feel)

If you start it and let him despawn, you can just swim past him and finish the run (as long as you can handle the water dmg)

None of those items took an item drop. They were all bonus loot.

Using 20 player raid, you would get 5 items + an AP token for every eligible member of the raid in BFA.

Conduits, Domination Gems, AP, and Legendary Memories are push-loot, meaning they don’t actually affect the loot drops of the bosses. :slight_smile:

I believe Relics are the only non-gear that are part of the actual loot table, as they’re essentially the “weapons” of Legion.

Even moving Relics to push-loot would be better than the current system.

Getting 5 relics from Nythendra and nothing else when I was hunting the trinket for Timewalking was a horrible feeling.

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Ah, that’s good to know how it works behind the scenes, I just go ‘it’s in their pockets when I steal their lunch money, it’s loot’. Alot of that stuff is not communicated well in game, like how the old MoP bonus loot rolls worked where it was 100% clear you were spinning bonus loot

As a bonus, if your character or account already has the respective conduit/shard or memory learned, it is no longer on the loot table.

That is kind of problematic if you are in there for a quest which requires you to channel a dispel on the water for one of it’s objectices (For the ‘Pride of Kul-Tiras’ quest line) and also doesn’t help if you want one of his drops for mog purposes

If you look in the dungeon journal now, it separates items into loot and conduits/memories into bonus loot.

There was someone in the Secret Finders discord who couldnt figure out why he couldn’t get the last 8 memories he needed - turns out he had put them in his bank months before, lol.

That’s a bit of an improvment then, honestly I’ve not been able to really get into playing on retail for some time now as I burned out hard after flight unlock in ZM just cause, for me, all ZM is as a place is “Oh look, a new hamster wheel with 30 variable gears I have to spin at the same time to do things and grind currency that’s going to become worthless soon enough anyway” I do still try to rp with my guildies but it’s…demoralizing still

It’s been a great change. I just wish they had retroactively gone back and done it to Relics. Lol.


That would solve that problem at least, yeah. I really hope they do alot of evergreen content fixes when the drop 9.2.5 at this point as SL has just…burned me out so bad cause it’s just…so many wheels of grind inside each other (I guess you could say patterns within patterns of unpleasant content built around psychological manipulation)

What I was talking about didn’t change any of the loot logic, just how it was presented in the dungeon journal

Yes, but having it presented in the journal in that way is more informative of how it actually works. There’s a serous problem in WoW where you have to go to a dozen places that aren’t the game to know how things in the game actually function which is…not a good place for it to be at.

I freaking love the run speed idea, disregard my plea for the bear tartare I made yesterday

The raid skips were added in BRF but that was to go straight to the last boss though

Hi Maizou, I also provided some input here GD: Making Solo Farming in Old Legacy Raids Less… Annoying?

  • Army of alts and their negative aspect for collectors and new players.

  • Mounts with really low drop, example anniversary doom walker that even Blizzard changed the drop because they know that was an issue.

  • Nzoth fight blocked by legenday cloak due to mind control

  • Blizzard nerfed Bear tartare instead of promoting speed items for old content.

Some of this points, I already mentioned on twitter directly to the Dev that created protoform synthesis when she asked about feedback some days ago, but still are valid points, since protoform synthesis was a good idea that players doesn’t need too many alts compared to farming mounts on korthia with 1% drop or previous expansion drops.

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This exact point was mentioned as feedback to the dev that created protoform synthesis since a lot of patterns doesn’t have any hint and you must use an addon or wowhead to find those items.

Yep, not to mention that all the mats are BoP, inventory items and not currencies that you must, again, grind for.

I’m just…I’m so tired of Grinding so much, I’m an adventurer for pete’s sake, not a miller!