Cathedral Square Policies

No, you’re clearly excommunicated for getting a little void in ya.

But the Light is all forgiving. Everyone Synns. (Get it? Get it?)

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Ah bless. Now it’s time to commit f̶r̶a̶u̶d̶ ourselves to the task of taking accounts of the Cathedral’s vaults. I’ll have my people ̶l̶a̶u̶n̶d̶e̶r̶ begin the process of counting the coins for the holy records.

I’m a perfectly legitimate and upstanding citizen. See? I even run my own successful church franchise which is very difficult this economy. No, no need to see my credentials.


I trust you completely :open_mouth: Goblins have always been honest, hard working folks.


honestly it’s really funny that you think anyone cares for your opinion anymore

You know what’s even more funny? Imagine me caring what nerds posting anonymously think.

I’m just trying to make conversation on a forum. Get outta here with that junk.


sorry as the new archbishop of the church you cant make me leave not even if the entire council of bishops wants me out just the way it is bud

Imagine being so miserable that you trawl the forums looking for opportunities to bring up drama you heard about three years ago.


and yet you’ve done nothing significant since then sucks to suck

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I’ll do whatever the hell I want in Cathedral Square!

I personally miss the 1800s british constabulary, who had to sprint to be on scene first at the crime and constantly squabble with various Citizen Brigades over who got to solve the crime and apprehend the suspect, often liberally clubbing innocents and bystanders along the way.

What a journey.

Varsinax, you should do an RP event taking over Cathedral demanding people to acknowledge the return of your Scarlet Crusade!


In the end consent is paramount.

Trying to underhandedly disparage a user for doing what they did, in RP and/or OOC, by going into forums and trying to push a treaty isn’t really fair.

The problematic sense of World of Warcraft is that the majority of the time no one is essentially on the same page as anothers character or guild despite co-existing in the same environment. No one has authority, active or passive, over another player’s character.



tl;dr 30 second summary, the Cathedral building (once you’re indoors) and Northshire Abbey are church jurisdiction, but the district as a whole isn’t for folks in the Stormwind Law Project (SLP).

Years and years ago, the Stormwind Law Project, in conjunction with the old Council of Bishops, worked out a Cathedrals and Churchlands Act and a Sanctuary Act. They’re the laws currently used by most of the guard guilds on MG, such as The Stormwind Guard.

It’s on the MG Wiki under the Laws of Stormwind --> Sanctuary Act, towards the bottom of the Sanctuary Act section.

tl;dr 30 second summary, the Cathedral building (once you’re indoors) and Northshire Abbey are church jurisdiction, but the district as a whole isn’t per SLP.

Not all the server’s in SLP, of course! That’s only what the server legal system uses! And it could be amended in the future if the SLP’s Stormwind House of Nobles votes to change it, or perhaps the SLP’s Stormwind City Council.

It doesn’t matter what laws your circle of pretend players made as they only apply to those that buy in. People don’t have to agree with it or to be bound by it. So this doesn’t resolve anything. OP made a post to try to shame someone that wouldn’t play the way he wanted. Nice that you too like the OP chose to take the PA road of condescension.


Because everyone wants to copy the gms who are in SLP.

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Never change Alliance RP.

Light save the Queen!


I don’t believe that that was Geroux’s intention. He was being a good steward of his project and presenting it as a solution to the dissonance that the OP was expressing.

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My advice is: don’t just blindly follow what the cool kids on the server tell you to do.


Based on your track record I doubt you are familiar with what constitutes good stewardship.

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