Catered to the 1%

First two bosses were easy I forget who the first one was it was like dude use like holy magic the second boss was the doggo

Odyn was only bad if you had people who couldn’t think fast enough.

Spears go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Yeah that’s who it was he was harder than the second boss for sure the second boss was kind of free.

I think he had like some kind of breath attacks you had to like coordinate the colors or something like that this is a long time ago

… turning everything into a raid is not “more classic”, especially when that requires taking something out of Classic to make it happen.

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All this brings back memories I was actually a fury warrior and I was living my best life.

I had mythic drought of souls.

That trinket was the best

Laughs in 925 arcanocrystal

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Oh yeah I remember that one too.

Wasn’t that one just like a huge stat stick

Yes, best trinket ever.

I never even got one of my main prog alt the BDK. My BDK had the best luck ever though.

I once got 985 gloves and the mount off our 3rd Dog kill in Antorous.

Could of been worse though, my friend whose name this character belongs to didn’t get a good lego until Tomb opened xD poor guy.

I’ve just been using it since he passed right before classic 2019. No condolences needed though, just something I do out of memory.

Could you imagine the utter melt down from classic players if they had to deal with titanforging xD

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If I recall you had to be lucky for that trinket because it was either a world quest or a dungeon trinket so it was capped on its item level.

I’m leaning towards world quest

It was from the drug addict nightfallen world boss on the Isle of Wardens, its base was 865 iirc but I got a titan forge one and I used it the rest of the expansion

Ah ok.

I remember now.

Yea only did mythic raiding in Legion.

Found a guild I vibed with we got cutting edge in first 3 raid tiers then guild disbanded over girl drama with GM and co GM trying to get with same chick.

What are you talking about? What part of thos crap is designed for the top 1% at the moment?

While I didn’t really like BFA, a few of the fights were good. Like Jaina but oof BFA was the pinnacle of mythic raiding being utterly miserable.

How did this troll post garner so much attention? Sunken Temple has been hit with multiple nerfs and Aggrend has consistently said raid content should not be difficult. I don’t think this is a developer problem, judging by you “quitting” from all of this it seems you just don’t know how to improve your skills and give up the second the going gets tough. If you can’t do ST right now the problem lies with you, not the developers.

Is this a joke?

Incursions are brain dead to do. Any scrubs can now clear ST like it was a participation trophy. There is nothing that requires any modicum of skill right now.

Doesn’t make any claim to what is actually wrong with the game aside cater to the top raid guilds. But yet all we’ve seen is nerf after nerf to st bosses making them easier and easier so really makes no sense at all

It does.

Ergo removing things that were in Classic.

If they made it a 40-man it’s still a change. If you’re saying that it would be a more Classic aligned change, you’d be correct, but it is still a removal of a Classic element.

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The devs gave them 1000g for free and the raid was tuned for sweats.

Its really not that hard of a concept. They ruined casual play overnight.

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Stop clicking your abilities so you can stop staring at your action bars and start staring at the fight.

You’re welcome for the free help I just made you better

Bro the raid is a joke. Its easier than gnomer by a good bit. Stop mistaking casual with bad, your insulting good casual players.