Catered to the 1%

the player base in retail bleeding over, eventually we’ll have the same game . I predict here in a few weeks huge decline in active players this phase



I’m sure you believe that bud, SoD has been in a decline since P2 because people aren’t happy about the changes that the classic players pushed for. Take ownership of your faults and stop deflecting.

Gave you the example that proves you wrong. Do you want me to hop on a flying carpet with you and sing now too?

Your example doesn’t refute what I’m saying. What I’m saying is an incontrovertible fact.

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How is ST made “More classic” by turning the original, literally Classic 5-man dungeon, into a 40 man raid? Your example literally proves the opposite you think it does.


if by “elite raiders” you mean people who cleared retail raids for over a decade and come to a game where the mechanic you have to worry about is NOT standing on fire you are totally :poop:

classic players are something else, 95% of them are like derek from captaingrim videos, they cant do a simple mechanic like standing in front of a pillar on the first boss, not falling to death on third boss, not taking the 99% damage reduction debuff on eranikus. its too much for them and hence the crying on these forums.

these people are the same one whipping on MC because they are classic players.

tldr: if you have 2 brain cells, or an IQ higher than your room-temperature you could clear ST easily now. same with bfd or gnomer.

ps: want proof? go check the hardcore death videos, thats how your average player plays the game, dying to the most :poop: thing w/o using any cd’s.

Era players are in the lowest skill level of wow players.

They still click and back peddle

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A fact that doesn’t really matter to the argument. They’ve added something to a dungeon to make it a raid. If they made it a 40 man they’d be adding a classic element to the “new” raid.

Because you need to rub three brain cells together instead of your usual two and realize that by changing a new SoD feature you can make that feature more classic.

imagine having 9 mechanics running at the same time, if you mess up 1 of them you instantly die, and the other 19 people have to force a wipe.

Imagine if you had to spend an hour time stamping Every single raiders C/D’s into a weakaura that reminds the player when to push that CD for whatever phase/ability the boss is in for 20 people.

Imagine having to have a extremely specific comp or else your not killing the boss.

Imagine spending 300+ wipes on a single boss just for you to down it.

Imagine having to coordinate heavily for every boss fight?

Thats mythic raiding in retail.

In SoD, you only have to deal with 2-3 mechanics for each boss fight, that are broken down into boss phases, and your crying about it…? heres the most basic advice i can tell you.

Dont stand in BAD, Bait Bad stuff over there —> and you kill the boss.


They have already nerfed 2 bosses in ST right? Hey don’t give up yet. Do you think the possibility of more nerfs inc? The past predicts the future.

I sort of felt sorry for this one real progression guild that wiped 125 times on that last boss (I think last), only to have the boss nerfed and then literally 100’s of guilds got the kill.

Well said.

These people have no idea how hard mythic actually is

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They do not cater to the 1%. They are just bad at math and just picked numbers.

I said it in phase 2 the problem with SoD is the playerbase. Classic Andy’s are terrible at the game and make up half the playerbase. A good chunk of the playerbase couldn’t clear normal Amirdrassil in under 3 hours. Expecting them to do raid wiping mechanics is a bad idea.

PTSD flash backs of KJ prog

So true; Every Season of after this will have Runes, supply turn ins and raids, maybe they tweak some new stuff but WILL be the format classic experience going forward and well that just sad.

PTSD flashbacks of mythic Guldan.

Think we had 500 wipes.

Meanwhile era players wipe 5 times and they require immediate nerfs

Our Gul’dan wasn’t that bad. KJ was 534 for us and was definitely the worst we had in Legion.

I actually like the Gul’dan fight though.

I use to think the melee on Star Augur were brain dead until I came to classic.

I did so many wipes in Legion, sometimes I hit my (Shift+`) keybind for prolonged power on reflex still.

I also loved the Helya fight but I am broken inside.

Helya was rough.

For a 3 boss raid tier that was hard.

Well she was hard the first two weren’t

Helya was actual cancer but I was a warlock so :^)

… huh? Did you respond to the wrong person? I said nothing about elite raiders.