Catered to the 1%

Tried to play last night and there was no point.

Phase 1 was glorious, classic with a twist and some new content. But then the 1% started crying and complaining about everything being too easy, too slow moving, and being bored.

I’m tired of Blizzard catering the the elite raiders and crapping on the casual masses that make the game what it is.

Congrats sweatlords, you have successfully injected some of the worst elements of era into SoD and I’m sure there will be more to come. Aggrend has made it clear that all he cares about is the top guilds and the raiders. I don’t want to play anymore.


Can I have your gold?


The elite guilds are the ones who cleared ST after only one nerf. The 20,000 people who’ve since cleared ST aren’t necessarily elite. ST is a small challenge, and you should want to be challenged at least a little bit, or you’ll never be happy or satisfied with anything.


What the actual hell are you talking about? Sod is retail+. They’ve don’t nothing but remove Classic from the game.


Can I have your gold?

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Bait used to be believable


That’s not the 1% tho, it’s retail andies and people on forums, reddit and twitter.


Hahahahaha did you not get the memo OP, you need the classic Andy talking points!

“elite raiders” are not the problem :expressionless: it’s retail players
they should be playing dragon baby 2.0 or whatever the heck the new retail game is. but they can’t, because they burned through the 2 weeks of content retail provides and are now bored. so like a bunch of leeches, they are drinking the blood of classic+, leaving behind a drained husk of a game instead of a true successor to classic.


I dunno man, classic players think that how hard leveling is means how good your class should be end game.

We can move away from that stupidity.


Agreed. “Parsing” and “min/maxing” is the only way to get through the raids. This game was meant for the casual wow players reliving the classic experience. Dads, if you will. But Aggrend is catering to the 1% trying to clear raids within 24 of phase release.


Maybe there is a much wider spectrum of players skill and what they want out of a game than 99% vs 1%?


Back in 2005 vanilla, we would be lvl 39 right now and running through SM Cathedral in 2 hours.


This guy hates raiding and blames them for everything, got it.


If you didn’t wipe because someone botched the door pull and have to deal with the whole instance respawn.

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You can’t “inject Era elements” into a seasonal Vanilla server, you can only remove them. That’s a simple fact.

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It isn’t just the leveling experience that makes Warriors rightfully the premier group content DPS class, it’s the fact that they are completely impotent on their own across every other activity in the game.

It is the fault of the current community that they treat those other aspects of the game like they don’t exist, and therefore allow Warriors being really good at the one thing they care about to weigh so heavily in their hearts.


Blizzard is litterally nerfing everything for the betterment of the general populace, NOT the 1%. This post really just shows that some people have no idea whats going on in this game.

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The top 1% dont need things to be made easy, your post makes zero sense. If anything they cater to the casual masses by dumbing down the content to make it accessible to everyone that plays. Classic WoW content isnt supposed to be mind numbingly difficult.

ST isn’t even hard anymore dude wtf are you on about? Erenanikus and Hakkar might require you to use 2 brain cells, but you can do it!

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