Catered to the 1%

either bait or skill issue… the raid is not hard

My brain tumor grows a little more every time i see an NPC post something like this

He can’t do it cuz he’s a keyboard turning, backpedaling, clicker.

He literally is the type to stare at his action bars while he stands in a big green puddle of poison.

There’s no doubt that retail content can be much harder than classic content. Yet we have a bunch of era and retail players looking for even more ez mode content in SoD.

The big lie is that all retail players are a bunch of elite mythic raiders. The truth is that along with the guys pushing hard retail content there is also a large faction of retail players who like to collect toys and melt down if they have to walk to an instance.

I could take half the smug retailers mucking up SoD, plop them into classic Naxx, and watch them all fail miserably and probably quit the raid right around the time they get to Anub lol. I could also take half the sweaty classic/pserver types and watch them fail in some basic retail content.

So it’s not an Era or retail thing. It’s a weirdly entitled baddie vs. everyone else thing.

i get filled with joy the more and more posts i see like this. we dont want u to play either

no i genuinely think EVERY single person who has a max level character in retail, can clear naxx given a gear appropriate character

The people who NEED a challenge aren’t playing SoD. This game mode is specifically tailored to people who just want to enjoy a twist on the original vanilla experience. And the thing that made vanilla magical was that it wasn’t crazy difficult. It wasn’t challenging, it was just new and people didn’t understand it yet. People want to relive that, not larp as retail players. People are trying to kill the game just to make it retail lite. And when that happens, the game mode dies and you just have a handful of retail players left. What a waste of a promising game mode…

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Where was this said?

I think all of you have made this up and believe it was some official post.

Provide examples maybe?

It’s not “season of retail”. It’s “season of discovery”, vanilla servers with a twist. If that wasn’t clear from day one then I don’t know what else to tell you.


Yes and it’s your assumption the raids should be easy

So raids were hard in original vanilla? That’s what you’re saying right?

Yes in relation to the skill level.

Go look at the world first list on method.

Now the player base if they can’t kill the boss in one week too hard and they wanted fixed immediately.

You guys are no longer gamers.

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You’re painfully wrong. I already said why this is wrong, people didn’t understand the game yet. As soon as people figured it out, people quickly learned how easy the game was. You’re NEVER going to get that part of the game back. That’s why SoD exists, the best you can do is add new content, give people things they never had. The second you try to cater to mythic raiders going for world first is the second SoD dies just like retail. Keep pushing for mythic raids and watch the server pop drop off the face of the earth.


You’re factually wrong.

Look at TBC world firsts.

All the info is literally on methods website all the way to like Wod.

Rag took like 90 days and all he does is knock back and summon sons lmfao.

You guys cry if you can’t beat the boss within 5 wipes.

The real cringe is playing a game for over 10 years and still keyboard turning, back peddling and clicking.

That’s why SoD is primarily composed of retail players right? Oh wait, it’s all casual nostalgia players who just want to relive a fresh version of vanilla. Fact is the only people crying are all the retail babies who are angy because the raids were nerfed. Blizzard knows who the player base is for SoD, and it’s not the handful of crybabies upset about a level 50 vanilla dungeon with a raid skin over it. Get used to it, this is vanilla, not REEEtail.


You literally have 0 numbers on what you’re saying.

Show me the break down of all the players who play SOD.

You sound upset.

I guess I would be too if I played for over 10 years and still at the same skill level from when I started.

All your stuff is just assumption based off your feelings and nothing is backed up with data.

Blizzard does need to dumb down the raids to fit you and the other backpedaling keyboard turning clicking era players.

I also think it’s hilarious how you think method is the litmus test for the ENTIRE player base. One group dictates everything in your world right? Who cares? No one but retail players…


I think I touched a nerve with that crybaby comment. Realized it was true? Seeing all those posts about people QQ’ing over the nerfs? Or maybe you’re realizing that blizzard doesn’t care what the handful of retail players think, and you’re upset they aren’t catering to you?


I don’t care I’m out as soon as cata launches.

Imagine crying on the forums and then thinking it’s a flex.

If you want I can tutor you on how to get better.

Private lessons totally anonymous.

Bye, I’ll look for more of your whining posts when cata drops.