Catered to the 1%

If the did that, the Raid would be beatable on the first day, by everyone, and they wouldn’t have dropped the last bosses health by an ACTUAL 3 million HP, remove 2 adds, the entire Thrash mechanic…

Do I need to go on?

These Raids are OVERtuned, by an INSANE degree. There is zero need for 8 different hotfixes. Get some non-sweat raiders to actually TEST it. Hell the Devs could test it themselves! But that would actually require them to play their own game, so…


P1 - easy leveling, easy raid - I played 5 toons raided on them all and had a blast
P2 - harder leveling, PUG unfriendly raid due to insta-wipe mechanics - I played 1 toon with my guild and had a decent time
P3 - easier leveling, PUG imposslbe raid, - Had a blast leveling, but the raid is hard enough to require too much time to do it for me. If our clear times don’t go down fast I’ll have to retire from raiding and just PVP this phase I guess.

Things are not looking great for my personal enjoyment. More power to you all who like a hard raid I guess. Just means once I get bored of PVP I’ll probably quit again. Here I thought they were finally making a version of WoW I could get on board with. Its becoming increasingly clear, that no, a low stress, time friendly version of the game is just too much to ask for I guess.


Can you give some actual examples of what you mean?

Because I’m pretty sure that the Sunken Temple raid was recently nerfed, allowing a lot of casual guilds to clear it, which is the exact opposite of what you said…

bosses are now dying in sub 1 minute in ST (not all and we are still on the first week of launch anyway).

They were very overturned at first and now are very very reasonable for any guild who puts in the effort to eventually full clear the raid this tier.

Good guilds are now clearing the raid in like an hour so casuals should be able to clear the raid with some time investment and progression practice.

As a casual player with slow skill ceiling you should NOT expect to full clear the new content the first week super easy. You will have to actually put in some work, practice and come to raid prepared.

Also in comparison to p1 BFD before nerfs over time, many ultra casual low skill groups struggle to full clear at first. But eventually got there.

Can I have your gold?

But SoD isn’t Era/Classic.

So you can inject classic into SoD. Example - they could have made ST a 40 man raid and along with a 2 piece loot model. That would be injecting classic elements into SoD.

Can I have your gold?

What influence does this 1% have over Blizzard other than possibly being a vocal minority? I used to be more hardcore, and I want better game quality and balance, but this isn’t Blizzard’s priority at all.

Can I have your gold?

He wants everything handed to him so he can sit in town and feel good.

If you’re talking about incursions, I agree. If you’re talking about raid difficulty, major skill issue. Classic brainlet L as usual

^ This.



I mean it’s a progression raid, you aren’t supposed to have the appropriate gear before ever doing the raid. Once some ppl get the gear that drops it will speed up the completion times.

I don’t remember wiping over and over in SM back in 2005.

I personally am not interested in a couple month long progression raid where you slowly gear up enough to kill the bosses. The season phases do not last long enough nor do we have good systems in place to nerf the raid via gear in SoD sufficently.

If I wanted progression raiding, there is other versions of the game for that. I want to crack open a cold one with the boys, have some laughs, goof around, and still clear the raid within a decent timeframe.

I have done plenty of progression raiding over the years, I am over it. I play the game for fun, not to get frustrated that little timmy missed the siren telling him to move out with everyone else and it wiped the raid. People who like it hard, can parse still. Shoot for world # 1 parse if you want it hard for SoD.

Can we have 1 version of the game where there isn’t a huge grind and time investment to clear the content? We had it for Phase 1, and to a lesser extent, phase 2. But now we seem to be being led into the retail raid experience, which I personally don’t want. That’s just me though. The SoD team will take the game where they want to, all I can do, is say how I feel about it and go play other games if they no longer want to cater to me, that’s it.


SoD is built directly on top of 1.12. You can only remove Classic from it, you can’t add more when the project begins at 100% Classic.


You have proof that it’s only 1%? Plus if you believe SoD is difficult in anyway, you are just bad. If you yern for the simple easy content, there is a version for that.


With dual specs, mega servers, the crazy burst pvp meta, OP runes and crazy leveling catch ups Horde and Ally both get access to all the buffs that was divided by faction before(instead of just doing the logical thing and letting dwarfs make shaman and Tauren make pallies). SoD is a complete and utter failure RETAIL 3.0. Im sure the tokens will be added soon


That’s right, blame retail for the classic community and decisions made.

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They literally nerfed a boss’ health from 4 million to 1.4 million. Do you want it to bake you a cake and hand you the loot or what?