Catalyst Failed (can a moderator lock this ****)

The tier item is for the transmog and it is. If you want a tier item with the set bonus it clearly states helm/chest/shoulders/gloves/legs

This is you failed the test.

Youā€™re not understanding the discussion because you are not reading. Bet you did real well in school. Have a good day.

You dont get to tell me what to do I can post wherever your still here and have been obsessed for 8 hrs

here you go

I am here replying. I cannot reply if people stop posting

You care enough to make a pointless thread and keep responding to it.

Youā€™re either seeking attention or slow.

kk, keep logging in to kick people while theyā€™re down and denying their perspective. Your personality and comments here are valuable for the community. :+1:t5:

Actually it was.

Literally in the first paragraph on the catalyst discussion.

I completely understand and others are saying the same thing I am. Canā€™t say Iā€™m in the wrong here or out of the loop. Sorry, dude.

Your enabling stupidity when the screen shows either a bonus or no bonus

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You are the one responding to it lmao


Having to go outside of the game for basic information is failure of game design.

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Youā€™re not new and you should know thereā€™s too much info to code in hand holding for ppl that canā€™t alt tab.

To you. Seems to work fine for countless others that donā€™t stamp their feet and act stubborn

Nah actually it is failure of game design.

The in-game tooltips provided by the item preview ā€“ before you click the ā€œare you sureā€ button ā€“ very clearly show that there either is or is not a set bonus. If you click Ok after being shown no set bonus - itā€™s not a game flaw, is a reading flaw.

I Literally opened with many people who sub do not take time out of their day to also frequent forums, mmo-c or wowhead. In fact, this may be new information to you, but some people find the official forums absolutely repugnant. idk if you could imagine why.

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once again

Try accepting at least a pinch of responsibility

Thatā€™s lazy and mistakes are on them at that point.

I would accept responsibility if the UI bug did not occur.

Who cant tell the difference between these two


What can I say, I find peopleā€™s idiocy entertaining.

Yet itā€™s not. People have always used outside information to figure things out.

PS itā€™s common sense as well


No, it is actually failure of game design. Would you like to keep repeating things with me