Catalyst Failed (can a moderator lock this ****)

Considering you’re one of maybe two people I’ve seen complaining about this specific problem, I’m skeptical.

If this was really something everyone was falling for, Trade and these forums would’ve been lit up by people complaining by now.

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You already did


We all saw this coming.

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Yea except the problem is I am nearly certain a UI bug occurred. Acknowledging someone else’s point of view is not conceding to it. Sorry that you cannot understand this simple concept

He has a set bonus already and knew not to put boots in before he went there and did anyway its his fault

actual ape

Yeah except no. You even have tier gear and couldn’t be bothered to hover over it and see the potential slots for tier?

Didn’t bother to look at what the catalyst would create?

This is a YOU problem. Don’t shove it on everyone else.

epic gaming


Yes u are acting like it

You legit can’t read

If it wasnt helm/chest/shoulder/leg/gloves, no set bonus would have been shown. Any other piece would show the tier name, but no set bonuses. This is the same complaint thread that dozens of other players have already created.

copy paste

Your the one who cant read because your set bonus you already had told you that you need shoulders, gloves and leggings and you ignored that to choose boots before you went to the cc

are we having fun yet

Which armor piece did you try? That should clear this up.

Keep acting dumb no one cares what happened at the cc you chose that piece before the cc knowing it wasnt a set bonus stop trolling bye

Oh thaaaat’s everyone’s mistake, you’ve decided their time must be spent doing things outside the game they bought at premium price and pay a monthly sub for :joy:

It’s lazy to not give those sites click traffic and ad revenue? xD yes sir! :rofl:
It’s lazy to avoid xpac spoilers?
95% of player base is lazy because they aren’t on notoriously toxic official forums?
What a revelation from a level 10 troll xD

there you go. For the trillionth time. Actual sped

Yeah my 4pc is great. Was nice to covert my 278 piece in to tier pants on Tuesday.

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grats on 4pc =^-^=