Cataclysm survey sent out

I can’t see myself playing Classic Cata, but I probably would play Classic MoP. So might be another case where I skip an expansion like I did with TBC Classic.

I like the idea of being able to replay through Cata, Mop etc. A big draw for Classic was obviously the old world pre the zone changes since that’s all gone on live/retail but I think seeing old mechanics class design is fun.

the difference is that this time it shoul be an extreme line to the ground

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I got the survey, and that seems exactly like what they are trying to do.

We need 6 months of Ulduar and ICC

Seems like a wacky idea - Cata is such a break from everything that came before from talent tree removal to all the changes to Azeroth to the beginning of revamped versions of iconic dungeons.

I enjoyed Cata, but I also realize it had significant issues, and personally see no reason to continue ‘classic’ into Cata.

Then again, I’m someone who played Cata and Legion and a bit in-between before giving up on WoW for the most part, and who always wanted some sort of Caverns of Time portal back to WoW as it existed pre-Cata way more than a stand alone WoW Classic.

NO CHANGES. If we get Cata (though I don’t really want it) it needs to be Cata not Cata SOM. Keep the SOM changes for SOM releases.

So with LFR and Complete class reworks with no talent trees?

Are you high?

Don’t care. I stay as long as WotLK is available, don’t have any interest in Cata or beyond.

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That would be one of the most stupid things Blizz could do. Cata was one of my least favorite expansions (shadowlands<WoD<Cata).

Yes leave those changes for a Cata SOM if necessary. There is no problem with LFR. It allows people that want to see the story to see the story. Those folks were probably never going to raid to begin with. If anyone could be hurt by LFR it is only really casual guilds that have members that don’t really even want to raid.

You’ve just been told by people that LFR is the anti-christ. Are you high?

It’s still a 31 point talent tree with 41 points to put into things. Is that what you meant for the removal?

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Just sent mine back to them, unless I missed something while clicking the bubbles there was no mention of RDF but several options to click on about LFR. The MASSIVE irony to me in my conclusion jumping mind would be if RDF was skipped over completely in CATA but we got LFR instead. What lead to what now in regards to RDF?

Also LMAO favorite color option with no chance to see the potential branches of the choices.

The RDF survey is supposedly different than this one. I haven’t seen any screenshots and haven’t received the survey myself.

Same here, would like to know if the RDF survey is real or not. Would be the smart thing to do but I strongly feel Wrath will still go without it or have it added in too late to matter.

I have a feeling it isn’t real. Why would there be a Wowhead post about this survey but not about RDF?

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I’m 99% sure the “RDF survey” is fake/a hoax. There was never any proof. The person doing gave half-truths. The sad part to me is that people keep buying into it being real, but you’ve got to look at things objectively. The very first thing I did was think “hmm that seems off” and go search for confirmation of it being real, and all I found is links back to this forum.

This Cata survey is the real deal.

I’m pretty sure the guy who made up the RDF survey is laughing about all the people talking about it. :frowning:


That’s my main thought against it being real for sure, not even really holding out hope that it suddenly materializes either.

I saw someone earlier claim that they recieved it and that they were told in the survey/email not to redistribute the survey or share screenshots, you and I may not agree elsewhere but on this there is no way that all 100% of people surveyed there wouldn’t be at least one person sharing the survey on reddit or elsewhere.
Its very much not a real thing, also sorry that the edit paragraph is a grammatical mess

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I’d play for the pre-nerf cata heroics.


I agree. Although I do see why Raid Finder and Dragon Soul could be major turnoffs and good candidate for some major changes.