Cataclysm survey sent out

I think this is what most players want, but it’s also the thing that would take the most resources.

I say add Cata and continue expansions but LEAVE A WRATH ERA SERVER in, please.


The ones I saw had like 300 people online during peak hours.

Agreed. I never saw thr point in all of the experience changes like getting exp from harvesting. I didnt mind. But its one of those chamges that were never needed.

Is that a no or modest change? That sounds like alot of change.

Im done after wotlk. That was my intent all along though. I dont think they can fix cata enough. But i also dont think i will even make it through wrath. Because of the changes they have already made.


Honestly, cata was just a different cut of the same Gem. I liked cata, it was harder compared to the previous expansions. My only dislike was they changed how the talent trees worked. You had to commit to the tree, not pick to what you want and go down a different tree. That was cata’s real crime in my eyes.


Its a good idea to gather on info on CataClassic ahead of time. It was a … divisive expac, and often pointed at as the true break from Classic to Modern in terms of gameplay, aesthetics, etc.

Personally, I have zero interest having gone through it once. I’d much rather see Classic+; new zones, dungeons, raids, etc based around the old Vanilla, TBC and WotLK styles of doing things. But that’s just me.

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I’d play it, I want to go back and re-experience it, plus it has my favorite dungeons of any xpac.
They definitely should add era servers for WotLK though (and should have for TBC). I’d keep a copy of my characters in WotLK, and in Cata.

They said TBC and Wrath, not vanilla. Only vanilla quests were changed, you can go and do Outland and Northrend quests in shadowlands just fine.

Is there an option to have WoW start over on a new path after WoTLK? New expansion on a new timeline? Then we forget all about the last 10 years. Pretty please?

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Are you living on Mars no one was happy about that, you don’t know how wow players operate if leatherworking is just 90x better than everything else especially with actual hard content like prenerf Vash’j KT SWP, people do feel “forced” to take it. I would have gone leatherworking if it was like that I had leather all ready to go but I’m glad I could stay mining for another expansion

I don’t want Cata because it’s not classic wow imo… but I know they’ll do it anyway because its already made content they can reuse to make easy money.

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They’re going to find out just how much they shot themselves in the foot by forcing us to pay to save our characters in Classic Era. If going forward is the only option then after Wrath I am done.

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Well gg to classic plus

I dont understand why you’d go for an expansion that lost subs. Cata was the beginning of the fall of subs. Why even consider it?

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Classic will be long dead by the time Cata comes.

Just enjoy wrath and move on after its over

yes, i said it and i meant it. You are exactly the type of player i am talking about. They did not nerf the bosses. you didn’t take leatherworking and it wasn’t needed. it was never needed. you admit it was the better choice. your goal was not to be the best. obviously. There were players that wanted that choice. They wanted to do whatever crazy out of the box thing they could come up with to min/max and they did it by choice. you can say whatever you want. it was not required. you felt the need to go along, not because you wanted to or were forced to. you are the cause of the change, you and those like you that can’t just play the game. you have to try to mimic the other players. that is a you problem. I wanted to be able to be in a guild that min/maxed. you ruined it.

Absolutely no.

Just work on the next season of whatever refresh.

And the best way to go about that would be making all the classes up to date with retail mechanics but in a vanilla setting.

most of the playerbase have disagreed with you, leatherworking was just too good. “Having 90% of our Raiders be leatherworking is good actually because I like to minimax” yuck

I think it’s a cool idea, but I’d rather just have 1 era server of each and then 1 rotational SoM realm that goes from Vanilla>TBC>Wrath every 12-15 months. They can manage character like they did with Classic, grey them out/hide them and pay to move them to the era servers if you want to use them outside of SoM.