Cataclysm survey sent out

Azeroth was completely reworked for Cata… what are you talking about?

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nah, WOTLK was the beginning of the end. Cata was just the confirmation that it was truly for sure, over. Wotlk set the stage. A lot of players hung around, hoping that the players would get listened to and that it would turn around in cata. unfortunately, blizz doubled down in cata. and the mass exiting started. But at least they did have RDF. without rdf i think the players would have left sooner. It wasn’t all bad, some was good. like rdf. But overall. it was sinking fast and the direction was obvious. Blizz was showing that they knew what players wanted and not players. haha.


I might have actually given pservers a try if any of them were PvE.

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I knew Cata would happen but I think a small piece of me was hoping they’d branch Classic off on a different route.

you just said they get their data wrong and you still think they are truer than blizz because of what, a couple new mounts? the amount of actual faithful not crappy pservers is very tiny nostalrius actually trying to recreate it is what made it so popular

yes but it needs to stay pre nerf!

I don’t know if it’s reasonable to expect and expansion to last as long as the original game.

My Conditions. If people really felt that RDF was the beginning of the end then that theme must carry forward.


No class reworks

Keep Talent Trees

No Azeroth Flying

I was still deep into WoW all through Cata but it was definitely forced. I started to enjoy the game when MoP came out but ever since then I have only gotten to max level then quit every expansion. They should really just stop at Wrath or start all the way over at vanilla again.


Hey, now. Pet battles are kinda fun.

My only question for Classic Cata…




Im good

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Because of what??? do i really have to say it.

No faction vs faction battle grounds. Drums, palidan seal of vengeance/blood. world buffs, No RDF. yada yada yada. WTH do you think i was meaning. should have been pretty obvious.

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I still recall when someone maxxed their level out doing nothing but pet battles. Then we had the Pandaria of the 1st max level neutral collecting peacebloom and copper ore. No thanks on pet battles. Collection dopamine hits.

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“I dont like it so don’t do it”

You know what that sounds like? Retail Andy’s that kicked and screamed about Classic ever existing. Don’t be the retail Andy. If you don’t like Cata then just don’t play it. Let those that do enjoy it. It is really that simple.


those kinds of changes and more are very common in pservers they got inspiration from that, and for good reason blood elves just being better paladins was a total and horde getting 6hr bg queues wasn’t the classic experience either. and RDF wasn’t introduced until wotlk was 70% done. blizzard classic absolutely is the best way to get the classic experience

People don’t really think that. They think it was a change and therefore it must have been bad. it takes only a few seconds to have them explain why they claim rdf is bad and when they start trying to explain, all they come up with is a bunch of false claims. the other ppl that claim it was bad, are just repeating what they saw other say and want to remain part of that crowd. they need to feel included. Its the group effect.

I think they’ll find a million ways to screw up what little redeeming qualities cata had. No thanks.

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Did they give xp? I honestly don’t remember. I do remember the guy who played the neutral Pandarian though. I thought that was kind of cool. Nothing I would do personally, but it’s fine that he did it.

im sure when people were asking for classic they were expecting we’d eventually reach the stage where classic wod is in the horizon and it’s not some kind of monkey paw, some players can keep sticking with classic through all the expansions but the amount of players who will is suspect