Cataclysm survey sent out

No, we all don’t. In cata you must complete a tree before you can put any points in another tree. Even as a holy raid healer I never completed the holy tree. I couldn’t because I wanted to put enough points in disc to get the Divine Spirit buff. That’s just one change. I could list another dozen of changes to the talent trees I didn’t like on just the priest. I have several alts only 1 or occasionally 2 will raid. My non raid specs are not the same as the guides list since they only have a leveling spec and a raiding spec listed.

There are private servers doing it.

I won’t name them but at least a half dozen.

I speculate just as before they will rise in popularity to the point where blizz will HAVE to notice because so much $$$ is being removed from their cash flow.

I will not play classic cata and am willing to wager a sizable chunk of the population isn’t interested either.


Is there anyway we can have Cata without Azeroth flying and “The sundering” event?


I don’t know if cata had any redeeming qualities because I couldn’t get over the changes to Azeroth. And I refuse to keep playing if they do Ashenvale dirty like that again. I don’t know yet if I’d still play a perm wrath server or SOM servers but I know I def will unsub if cata is my only option.


Stop thinking of BS as BS and think about it more as cow produced fertilizer. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Spade a spade, Classic is a recreation of the vanilla world. That’s what it is. That’s what the people playing it think it is.

I am just happy they seem to be getting retail back on track so I can play that instead of Cataclysm.

Wrath + would be interesting though.

Which one sounds more like Blizzard? :thinking:

Lmfao at all the resubs anticipating the next expansion would be better and the curve drops even harder :joy:

Dude, spoilers


you still can put points in another tree, talent trees didn’t look that different from wrath other than getting rid of the boring talents we only put points into because we had to. I hardly see a difference between doing talents in wrath to cata

You can only put points in another tree after you’ve fully completed one tree. On my holy priest in vanilla, bc, and wrath I never completed the holy tree. The priest talent tree had massive changes. Some of my favorite talents were removed completely. It’s possible that for your main class it didn’t matter but the change was significant and disliked for other classes.

None of the expansions, not cata, not tbc, nor wrath, are Classic WoW.

They won’t ever do that. They said they are NOT doing an OSRS thing EVER.

I wouldn’t especially if they wrote over the Wrath servers to do it. I’d probably just delete my characters out of spite.

Classic has proven that there is a legitimate appetite for the game as it used to play.

SOM has shown that the appetite to play a stagnant/seasonal version of the game isn’t there. Granted, it had to compete against TBC launching alongside it, but I’m not going to humor the idea that the appetite is the same.

An MMO without new content releases is a game that will die. The best thing for Classic is to stay a course with consistent content releases that deviates from what Retail did and respects a classic mentality.

Not sure what good it’ll do though. I expect the community to flail after WOTLK is over anyways. People think Classic is special because they did the game right back then, and yeah there’s truth to it, but once WOTLK is done all the big names have been dropped and the rest of the story isn’t rooted in the WC lore.

For real we need a WoD style multiverse story about how classic is based off a different timeline where they can add new content

1st option - Don’t do it
2nd option - WoW alternate timeline and end Classic
3rd option - If you do it, wait 10 or 15 years then do it.

Just getting back into retail after 5 years off and enjoying it and classic. The big gash down the middle of The Barrens was off-putting… Cata classic will be the end of World of Warcraft for me.

I feel like if they fix alot of the issues that drove the majority of folks towards wanting classic servers in the first place, i would go for cata classic.

I will probably never play again though if permanent classic wrath servers do not get added as an option. That would absolutely be a game breaker for me.

I stopped halfway through, but would like to do it again. Think they did add some good features.

No they aren’t. Retail WoW isn’t even WoW. I’ve played World of Warcraft since vanilla beta. Ever since cataclysm came out the entire experience has been bleached out and a horrible, watered-down variant had been published.

Inscriptions which were added in wrath the lich king were a very nice touch. Those were gotten rid of after only being part of the game for one expansion. Killing mobs and many bosses in the open world had become insanely easy and very rins and repeat.

We lost the ability to customize our characters. This used to make each character in the world unique. The talent tree had been removed. So if you ran into a night elf druid level 20 and you were a night elf druid level 20, you were both equally tuned thanks to the auto-stats and tree.

Tons of quests were removed from the entire game when cataclysm came out to accomodate the world revisions. A lot of NPC’s were removed. Flight paths, towns and villages were moved because they had to destroy parts of the world because of Black Wing. Horde had pushed heavily into alliance territory and alliance had pushed heavily into horde territory. It was a very uncomfortable closeness. The world was destroyed.

Azeroth flying had later broken the game. Then the expedited leveling up process had broken the gaming experience. LFR Had made it even worse at being able to start a character, head to the capital city and power level to end game content.

Cataclysm was when world warcraft had become so streamline that you were technically not even playing a game. You were clicking a mouse and the game was making all of the calculations for you.

So… why did we ask for vanilla, TBC and WotLK classic? Because each of those versions of the game were the last of World of Warcraft in its natural state, the way it was designed and meant to be.

The majority of World of Warcraft players and vets believe that the game is so diluted with automatic mechanics that it’s not fun to play anymore. So Cataclysm onward was agreed upon by the majority to be the worst flop in WoW history. The statistics back that up as well.

Retail wow today is the exact same as it was when cataclysm released. They changed the toolbar and a few customizations here and there with the UI but it is the same engineering running it currently. However everything from wrath of the lich king, TB C, vanilla has almost been removed from retail. So why would we want cataclysm to replace WOTOK when we could just play retail and lock our character to level 85 (or the equivalence of) And play only the content up to the end of Cata?

Remember when blizzard decided to squash private servers by addressing nosteralis? They even brought the guys running that private server on board to show them how to make a successful classic server. Because they were number one in the world and had been for so long. Remember that question Burke if they squash wrath of the lake Ralph village kinclassic to throw cataclysm on top and get rid of that experience, we’re all going to flee to private servers again. They’re gonna lose their $15 a month from (easily) a million subscribers.