Cataclysm survey sent out

Umm… :eyes:

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So they can ask us what our gender is and give us the option to select male or female, but in the actual game I have to select type 1 or type 2???

Cata was the start of modern WoW. If you didn’t play Cata back then and you hear someone say no RDF, trust them.
It’s sounds like it would be a great improvement, which it temporarily is, but it overtime and through the rest of the expacs, it slowly removed a lot of the socialization aspect of the game. A system finding you a raid also made it pointless to ever have to physically travel to the dungeon…which meant you can log on, sit in Org or whatever, queue for a random group/raid….then voila, you’re in the dungeon. This in turn killed the exploration aspect of WoW. You never had to actually go anywhere to go to a dungeon just sit in a city all day and spam Q. Classic succeeds because those 3 games required you to actually immerse yourself into those worlds. Once Cata hit, then all the expacs after it, it became all about convinience, sit in one place, spam raid/dungeon W, finish dungeon then rinse and repeat.

I have no fond memories of WoW post Wotlk, all my my memories were from the Big 3.

Agreed on everything except flying.
Flying does not destroy the classic skill tree, zones, battle balance or anything else.
It adds to the experience, makes returning to earlier zones quicker, that’s all.

IMHO, to be against flying as a game improvement would be against using mounts in certain zones. But I agree with everything else you said. Nice post.

TBC added flying, Wrath added RDF, but it’s Cata’s fault subscriptions collapsed and the open world died?

The reality might be that Cata was hard and the initial player base was aging out. Pre-nerf Rag and Deathwing we’re some of the longest and most unforgiving PvE fights. I never played OG wrath, but coming back for classic now, the raids are a joke, the 5 man’s are a joke, you can AV to 80 and raid in full lvl 70 honor gear

Cata’s design when it came to the world was poor. Zones were disjointed and there was no reason for players to return to the world after hitting 85. No dailies really.

That said, when Firelands came out, the Molten Front was fun and a WPvP hotbed.

I sincerely hope that we get to keep Classic, WOTLK Classic… and then have Cata as a third option.

You cant even clear naxx in 70 honor gear…

And Naxx is a joke. Ill be ready for your tears when Ulduar drops

Id be excited to get one step closer to Legion reborn. If it has to go thru cata so be it! Hopefully they leave 1 realm locked to WotLK like the did with tbc so people that only enjoy that level of fun can still have fun.

It would be idiotic to promo all the realms to the next version

That’s a big sword


oh wait… did they screw the pooch on that and not leave a realm on tbc? Hopefully the SoM2 allows them to correct that mistake and leave the SoM2 stuck at tbc

Yeah there is no tbc era realm.

I feel like that was a mistake, but I’m not a major corporation so I’m probably wrong.

I’m very interested in playing Cata Classic. Want to main a Priest and also Rogue at top level.

There are only 2 more classics I might play and that is WOD or Legion and nothing else. Cataclysm had mixed reviews so I think Blizz needs to stop the Classics for awhile. Instead of surveying for Cataclysm send out a survey asking if we make another classic name 2 expansions you would want to most and then the 2 most opular expansions would be next. I bet Legion would win in a landslide! Legion I would play for sure, Mop maybe.

They massively borked TBC Classic and knew it.

Catered to the extreme of the extreme sweaty guilds and released the content in it’s original buggy as hell form, completely ignoring that 75% of the “nerfs” weren’t nerfs, but bug fixes.

Then when most of the Vanilla Classic player base couldn’t down Mag or Nightbane, launched tier 5 too late with not putting near the effort into it to identify what was a bug vs. what was hard.

By the time Hyjal and BT launched the player base was shattered and fragmented, leaving a tiny group of sweaties to frolic in Sunwell and have no recruitment capabilities.

Wrath is great, the biggest issue is that they’ve ignored the reason LFD was implemented, and that’s because Wrath is an alt expansion. Currently without the key tool needed to smoothly level alts.

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Hard pass on Cata, but my opinion means nothing and they’ll churn it out.

Since my opinion doesn’t matter I’ll toss it out anyway with Classic+ SoM2:

  • Tuned classes: buff meme specs
  • World Buffs: vendor drops every hour and non-dispellable.
  • Heroic Dungeons (more pre-raid and p1 bis, more last boss epic)
  • wPVP objectives & rewards in Sithilis (XP gains so levelers can PVP to level 58-60)
  • Phase 7: Emerald Dream raid! (and all the cool stuff they made but couldn’t launch)
  • PVP: remove old ranking system, get rated BGs, rated Arena.

A buddy and I came up with a roadmap of what we’d like to see in a Classic+ progression server for “fixes” and added content.

Some of what you said is on the napkin outline.

We used the final patch of Wrath as the core template and released “time lapsed” / “Mythic” raids after ICC as tier 11 forward, in addition to doing level cap versions of existing 5 mans.

Like after ICC, it’d be MC (as a 25 man) again with BRD (and a couple of others) as a level 80 5 mans. Kind of a recycling of the older content beyond ICC. It’d be an easy 3 year stretch past ICC.

We had several other ideas that focused on the principles of player retention and activity. It revolves around actually playing the game, raid logging prevention, and community involvement. But I doubt Blizzard cares anything about those anymore.

oh oh, 1 more! …weapon skill, either fully added or fully removed. I hated Edgemaster’s being BiS.

That was on the list of “gear that needs to be changed”

We were thinking of dropping the + rating bonus to 2. It was one of the first things that popped up, because that one drop was dumb.

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