Cataclysm survey sent out

no it doesn’t, you will be back

Dont bet your welfare check on me returning to WoW for classic Cata LOL.



lol you’ll be back

I disliked Cata.

Classic is done after Wotlk. Now, if Bliz releases some kind of Classic+ then maybe.

Cata? Nah. You may do stuff you don’t like for fun - but I don’t.


I specifically put my preference is a classic+ full progression sort of situation but I am absolutely not interested in a fresh start or SoM system being put in place so would take cata classic over that option.

Cata isnt classic WoW. I dont like MOP enough to replay that either. It ends when LK ends.

I dont like modern WoW. I dont like Pandas. I’m dont like transmog. I dislike how the world was changed in Cata.

It is what it is. I’ve played WoW since it was in open beta. Nothing good lasts forever.

I started playing WoW two weeks before Cataclysm released. The best WoW moments I ever had came during Cataclysm but, I believe they should stop at Wrath and take the Old School Runescape approach. Fresh starts and SoM isn’t really doing as well as they thought it would so why not just build off of Wrath in a new direction that has more of a community influence?

What would you expect classic+ to be? There would likely be a theme.

as soon as they decide to reset and do classic+ I’m out

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I dont expect it to happen.

It won’t happen. Bliz will just go to Cata.

That’s how I described my vision of my #1 preference in the survey

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They will lose players after Wotlk either way. WoW is going to tumble after LK ends. I could see 400k subs just disappearing.

I will not be playing Cataclysm classic. It was a terrible expansion. Throne of the four winds and the fight on Deathwing’s back were cool visually, but that’s it. Hopefully they keep a PvP and PvE Wrath server alive. I plan on going back to Vanilla after WotLK to run old raids and small community stuff, and maybe some Wrath era arena and achievements.

Oh neat, another classic expansion they can mismanage.

Major pain points for me. Would be:

The start of their chasing accessibility, at the cost of what made classic, classic. It’s OKAY if Farmville enjoyers can’t get into an MMO. It’s okay if fully engaging requires more than 30 minutes to play.

Their backing off on difficult 5 man dungeons. The start of cutting entire raids. Leaving the game short on content.

I just don’t see them putting in the massive amount of effort they’d need to address those issues. I’d probably play, but lose interest almost immediately.

Cheap and lazy is doing Cata again.

Classic’s opportunity to Create is the better path.

The issue is that, one way or another, they are going to lose a lot of players once ICC is on farm. I didnt mind Cata. It is definitely a better expansion than WoD, BfA, or SL.

It is very doubtful that they have the resources to creat expansions or features for Classic and even if they did, they would likely just apply them to retail anyway.

I didn’t get a survey so I’ll just put my opinion here. I personally enjoyed Cataclysm, I’d love a chance to do it again and play that version again even though it is significantly less “classic”… I think they should do it, but on a MUCH smaller scale. Don’t go for anything big, or crazy, just throw it out there, let us play it. Maybe for a reduced timeframe while they work on investing much more into a branched off version of classic+ with new content. For Cata classic they can further boost XP/gold gains, whatever, don’t put too much thought or time into it, but for people that just want to play around with it, why not?

I don’t think there are many people that would want to devote the amount of time they put into Classic Vanilla, TBC and Wrath. Most seem to just want to hit 85 and mess around a little, and then most just want to speed through Cata, or skip it, and do MoP. While I have mixed opinions of WoW. The overall zones, Pandaren, Monk, and a few of the raids were meh, but in general playing certain classes was super fun in MoP, so I’d do it again for a little bit.

The best chance of retaining classic players though is just to do something new and exciting with classic, Classic+ with extra changes and additions, Blizzard should just have fun with it, throw everything at the wall and see what sticks. What’s the harm? It’s isolated of retail, just leave an option for people to stay on this version of classic, or move to the new journey.

Oh it’s very unrealistic knowing Blizzard. I understand that.