Cataclysm survey sent out

These are the only acceptable routes I’d like to see. If they legit copy/pasta over wrath like they did (Kinda did TBC dirty) with Tbc, Im 100% out, for good. Not another dime to blizzard. The only 2 things I play is D2 and Classic(Van/TBC/LK). Everything else they make is utter trash.


Yes, but there were some very significant changes to the talents for some classes and you had to complete a tree before you could put any points into another tree.

Okay yeah makes sense. I just wanted to get clarification if it was that or the MOP one when it changed it completely out of those talent points

It does make me wonder what the target for surveys is. I always get invited to beta tests and I see a lot of people that don’t. So I have no idea how that choice works either but…

I don’t think I’ve ever gotten a survey or at least not one that wasn’t sent to everyone. The last part is just because I can’t really remember if there was one they sent to everyone… lol.

I’m not sure if play Cataclysm again, some stuff was okay, I liked Tol’Barad but the gear was really ugly in my eyes for alot of classes, hideous twilight cult all over everything, destroyed world, lesser talent trees, LFR, changed class/spec designs possibly too much for some.

I’m really hoping I’m not forced into it because for me personally it’d take a lot of changes to make Cataclysm acceptable this time around.

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Going to have to disagree with you on this one Charax.

Cata was the beginning of retail and honestly we either need some form of heavy Classic + or a WoW 2 that maintains classic elements and goes a different alternate timeline. In my opinion of course.

Not a single mention of RDF….yet they do mention LFR. Interesting.

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I honestly feel like cataclysm classic would be cool and fine. But they need to reverse alot of the decisions made this expansion that caused people to want classic servers on such a massive scale in the first place.

Some things that come to mind, are things like the class designs being more complicated like hey were in wrath. Bring hybridity and all the spells and abilities back.
Keep the old overworld in. I hated that it got deleted, even to this day. I wish they brought it back in retail for chromie time.

I think the guild levels should be abolished completely. One of the worst things about cataclysm.

You had portals all over the place. Which was cool at first, along with flying. But it just did not feel like as much of an overworld anymore at that point.

I mean, i want the whole 9 yards to be honest. Ammo back in along with bags. Weapon skills. Like seriously, i want it all back in the game. Those types of things were kind of minor, but as for me, i don’t see the point in playing if the classes get pruned to oblivion, and every ability gets removed, and they all get homogenized and all feel the same.
And if the old overworld is gone, i see no point in me playing at that point either.

If they don’t give wrath classic servers as a permanent option once classic cataclysm releases, i will be beyond upset. Cataclysm just deleted alot of the charm and alot of the options we had in previous expansions. So they need to fix those things if they expect people to actually want to play.


How come not everyone has this survey?

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Probably unrealistic given the heavy development time Blizzard would have to devote to create that fresh content.

If Bliz goes Classic Cata with WotLK Era and/or SoM for the initial trilogy, I think they would retain good numbers without the massive development that a Classic+ would require.

I mean does blizzard want or not want my money, OSRS route or I’m not playing Cata.

I’ve heard the same from countless players about entire guilds disbanding after this.

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you’re going to be one of the first to quit because you’re bored after 3 weeks of Ulduar

Been here since 2019 highly doubt

Cataclysm removed classic zones and the old classic leveling.

This is an expansion that removed ranks from spells, auto gave you spells when you leveled, removed any skill leveling system (no more leveling melee, 2h, defense, etc), streamlined leveling to be very very handheld.

This basically is not classic at all. The only thing that is different is that they actually intended to make dungeons and raids hard again at the start. But what many of you might forget is that tank threat, healing, and more were drastically changed by the end of cataclysm and that will more than likely be what this is based off of.

Cata was the end of Classic period. It isn’t classic at all. It is literally the start of heavy hand holding in the game for all players and further homogenization to make sure more people have similar abilities to one another.

If you really really want the Cata experience ask that they base it off of the earlier iterations where you could pull threat off a tank easily and healers went oom faster. Not to mention heroics would smash your face in if you did anything wrong.

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wrath did that first. Sure you have ranks but they all cost the same mana and effectively killed how healers used their toolkits for years

thank god

definitely wrath started this with streamlined talents, easier leveling, and homogenization of buffs


1 realm… that’s all we need to keep people from complaining, just keep 1 TBC & Wrath realm up and we’re good.

I’m just saying short of the mop talent system it is basically retail. By MoP the only reason to do it is probably to do the old content again for fun. But the rest you can just go back and do right now if you want.

what is so fun about talent points? we all look up a guide put the points in them and go

Imo not much. The only thing I liked back in Wrath was the ability to be a hybrid build for fun while leveling.