Cataclysm PVP

yes, dragon soul gear + firelands legendary staff, as mentioned

this is exactly how i feel about mop, i don’t think it was anywhere near as good as people make it out to be

it’s all subjective, im well aware cata had problems, but it was the most fun ive ever had in pvp

really good summary


You didn’t “have” to raid until Dragon Soul though??? Unless you were a caster and wanted Dragonwrath

-healers had good trinket and weapons that procced heal,
-rogue needed both their agi trinket and the strength trinket they were given, so vial of shadows and the strength trinket together was totally overkill proccing for 60k damage if they both procced at once.
-casters had the dot weapon and trinket that procced a shadowbolt on everyone
-2handed needed gurthalak the pve weapon that procced tentacle dealing 7-10k each tick and could proc up to 4-5 at once.
and ret needed 2tier to make judgement also generate a holy power
-polearm also had a special weapon so hunter and feral will need it

so yeah everyone will need to farm dragon soul

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Decent pvp but the main problem is PvE gear galore oh and certain comps like RLS just everywhere disgusting

It is basically an improvement on wrath gameplay wise but still all of the same other problems, wrath arena was pretty dead and cata is most likely gonna be a bit more dead because a lot of wrath Andy’s don’t even want to play it

To each their own :man_shrugging:.

Even though I loved TBC/WoTLK when it was current content, I still refused to play them classic; Cata is no different infact Cata as current content was pretty meh leaning towards the awful side.

If people are looking for some sort of ground-breaking PvP from Cata Classic it only shows how badly people are grasping at nostalgia/didn’t play it as current content.

TLDR; imo Cata was worse than both of it’s predecessors don’t expect amazing PvP.

Don’t listen to Prveks, he’s either recalling incorrectly or he’s in total denial; Cata required the MOST PvE compared to any expansion as far as arenas went especially in s11.

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combat red buff

I have no idea as I didnt play either back in the day, but I did play all of TBC and WotLK classic. What I can say about those is, at least 3s, were fun in TBC as there were a variety of comps. the main thing holding it back was the RNG old mmo style of mechanics where stuns, fears, polys, etc would just randomly resist and having dynamic DRs (for example DR would last randomly between 18-24 seconds and you didnt really know when the DR ended like on retail). Made it really lame from a pvp perspective when you just lost to RNG. If that wasnt an issue TBC would have been way more fun. WotLK took that out almost completely but since classic servers for WotLK are played way more than TBC the meta is completely found. So since we are on the last patch everyone just play ele hpal x almost the entire expac with very minimal meta changes.

No idea how cata classic will turn out, but if it is closer to tbc is comp variety then I think it will be at least fun to dabble with. I dont think anyone should expect it to be the savior of WoW pvp though

It really depends on what you are looking for tbh. Iirc, first season didn’t prompt players to PvE to stay competitive. 2nd season started to go in that direction, whereas the 3rd season did strongly support PvE items.

But at the end of the day, every expansion had its perks of appeal and elements of distaste to certain player bases. None, however, were perfect. You won’t know for sure until you give it a try :person_shrugging:

Comp variety gets better than what you’ve seen in TBC or Wrath I’d say. As a rogue, for instance, you do have access to more than 3-4 comps that would be considered as viable, if not top tier. From TBC/Wrath, it is a step up for most dps classes in terms of diversity. As far as healer variety goes, I heard rshams are extremely potent which makes them the best healer throughout Cata by a mile. The order goes something like this- Rsham>Hpal>Disc>Rdruid - if I had to make a safe guess.

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Remember the 4.3.5 patch? I don’t remember if it was warlocks or ele shammy.

Not sure of the patch number but Ele had 1 good patch.

Probably not tbh. Cata is missing too many quality of life features. I think you’d really have to hate retail and want to live in nostalgia to want to play Cata or any of the classic xpacs.


Oh damn, I remember these DS trinket being so good!

Did you just not read what I said

thx for the info! ill prolly just rmp it up like normal, but maybe RPS would be fun for a change

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After seeing the first tuning in like 2 months, and how garbage it is… I’m totally gonna play Cata pvp.

Retail pvp needs a MAJOR overhaul. They have no idea how to balance and tune anymore

TBH - If Blizzard had a brain, they should just nerf PVE gear in rated PVP for Cata Classic… Just saying…


It’s a MoP waiting room. First expansion with real 2h frost so I’ll have a little fun.

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Burned out in OG wrath and took a break for all of Cata

May boost and dabble

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Or, I just hate the current iteration of spriest and would really enjoy playing a version of my favorite class fantasy that is fun imo.

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That might fall into the category of hating retail, but maybe not.