Cata Affliction lock with pve trinket, Frost Dk, Ret with pve weapons that proc and Shadow Priest with pve trinket.
Then again this version of Cata PVP will be as dead as wrath.
Wasnt MOP when they added the Prismatic Crystal ? cuz i think that was my 2nd fav time playing mage. U could absolutely annihilate anything in that AOE.
I don’t remember seeing mages have access to this in MoP. This most likely was introduced in WoD.
rogue daggers, aoe shadowbolt trinket, poison dot dagger, legendary staff
You will fear my 4 proc Gurthalak.
Vial of shadows trinket also.
mortal strikes were nerfed to 25% at the start of cata and without dampening it makes games a slog
gearing was good until the final raid tier where pve gear was a massive problem, although it’d be nerfed from how people often remember it
most of the enjoyment you’re gonna get out of cata revolves around a hybrid of some sort and most games that aren’t triple-dps stupidity are wars of attrition and spamming meaningless filler
2v2 is completely unplayable and just about the only saving grace of cata is the introduction of RBGs, which will unfortunately, similar to retail, be a big fish small pond problem due to the other brackets / content being DOA
it’d be unfair to say that cata’s bad because a lot of specs were in their glory days of class design, namely affliction, unholy, ret and fire mage. but it’s got a lot of problems that, judging by this forum’s common complaints, wouldn’t be taken too well by the average player
oh yeah, transmog’s a thing so that’s fun
I do think some classes were just ridiculously busted, like rsham pretty much throughout the xpac, rogues w/ leggos, hunters w/ pet dismiss & recall to reset certain pet mechanics etc… First season of Cata will prob be fun for most people since PvE gear isn’t a main factor, but the meta will likely be cleave-centric. Casters start seeing a bit more prominence in s2 iirc. I do think Cata had some amazing class experiences though.
Certain brackets like 2s and 5s won’t be too exciting, although there is relatively more diversity than wrath I would say. Mainly 3s and rbgs will be the essence of fun Cata pvp.
The best part of cata pvp is the PVE needed =)
Sign me up btw don’t pick Rogue
i didnt play until the end of MoP, but from everything I see when looking things up you didnt use pve gear in pvp until the last season (except Firelands legendary staff)
meh then meh idk clearly wasnt into it, dont know what to tell ya it was miles better than wrath and hell of a lot better than mop so meh idk
It’s all a matter of opinion, but it was awful for arena for almost all melee except rogues near the end. Double bombs (prep) + legendary daggers and insane healing from recup…
RBGs were a lot of fun, but you had to farm PvE to be relevant. Fire mage, boomi, and affi could dominate. DKs usually had a spot, but warriors were relegated to FCs.
Being able to dark sim pally wings or mages stealing pally wings. Double Tank 2s were an issue tho.
Just like TBC/WoTLK, people are gunna look at it with rose-tinted glasses at first.
Cata PvP was meh & heavily reliant on PvE items.
People think outlaw rogues are bad? Wait till rogues get leg daggers in Cata.
Def worse than it’s 2 predecessors; Firelands was fun though.

Just like TBC/WoTLK, people are gunna look at it with rose-tinted glasses at first.
Cata PvP was meh & heavily reliant on PvE items.
People think outlaw rogues are bad? Wait till rogues get leg daggers in Cata.
Def worse than it’s 2 predecessors; Firelands was fun though.
sounds like first 2 seasons will be fun then?

was miles better than wrath

hell of a lot better than mop
I played affi lock s1 of cata and it was one of the hardest seasons I played, running affi frost dk rdruid. Rshamans at the time could dispel magic and curses and it would heal for more than the UA backlash damage, eventually had to stop applying curses vs R shamans so it didn’t heal so much
Cata was good until s11 when pve items ruined the expansion and in general sub rogue were even more ridiculous than right now.
mm monkey pet is also totally stupid and mm sub will be the ladder comp for 2s.
Overall, if sub rogue and s11 pve items didnt exist cata would be s tier, but because of that its like b/a tier
The full pve geared double fury warrior R shaman with bloodlust, raging blowx2 taking people 100–> 0 through defensives was fun too