Cataclysm Classic

Rogues wreck priest in Cata mana times. It is the best expac for the casters except for the priests. Only spriests did any good and not near as good as rogues or ferals.

Cata would be when it need be needed most,. imo. Now the game is more expansive and populations all over. Many in the higher end of it.

For some if not many the assumed boost in DE package could be their last wth…lets boost this class they didn’t have.

assume 78 to 80…lets hit that cata now. Or even if a 70 boost…shamble through northrend (more like CTA AV lol) one more time!

If I lose motivation on my s. priest I sometimes tinker on…the cata DE deal is the backout for me really. I can’t be alone in this thinking.

I’d not see worgen and goblin levelers keeping it lively either. even in tbcc the space goat and blood elf numbers got slim months in.

So I don’t like it because it breeds toxicity. It’s the entry level to raiding but then you have people who have guilds use it maybe to get a piece they are missing. Then they get mad and name call and be toxic towards people for not knowing everything. I call people out for it on retail all the time. Imagine a new player being yelled and cursed at because they don’t know something or not experienced enough to perform well in an environment that’s meant to be “training wheels”.

At this point I would rather new or inexperienced raiders find a guild to show them the ropes than deal with that toxicity that you’ll easily find in raid finder. However, I don’t have an answer/fix for this. So if it’s in or not it doesn’t personally do anything for/against me but I will not use it just to avoid the drama. The amount of bystanders that just allows it is also disheartening. I think people tend to forget this is a game and should be fun.

Also it’s not me getting yelled at, I fall under the category of an alt or I didn’t get a tier piece so trying to get another chance. I don’t like toxicity, it’s my biggest peeve in this game and 99.9% of the time I will speak out, but that’s exhausting for me so I’d rather just avoid it at this point. So I prefer it not be added but if it is I won’t throw a fit about it, I just won’t use it.

It was already a firm deal breaker when Wrath came out, the cata fans would fall apart even more. The fact that RDF was not added into wrath knee-capped the hell out of any real increase in the classic community. Its not as if the classic community is anymore social than RDF would be its just massively more inconvenient if anything else. And the tool they gave us in substitute its such a pile of garbage that i hardly see it used in lower levels. Interrupting someones flow of leveling to constantly go to a main city and stand there typing in chat for groups for old dungeons that no one is doing is a harmful experience.

And when you do get in a group, no one talks, no one says anything, hardly mentions any mechanics, and just a GG and hearth after its all said and done. Sound familiar? Because changing situations doesnt change the habits of players. This isnt 2008 anymore where we are all children and bright eyed experiencing something new for the first time. We all seen this before and just wanna enjoy the leveling experience and nostalgia again. ANTI-RDF crowds need to understand that they legitimately have zero platform to stand on because their entire argument against it is immediately refuted. But you cant tell them much, because they are the same morons that think GDKP is a good system. I make fun of those trash humans any chance i get.

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Lots of people here like to control how you play. To them there is a right way to play and have fun and a wrong way.

You know what else breeds toxicity? The game existing. Wow breeds toxicity because people play it and they are toxic sometimes…

I’d say grow a backbone…


Oh if they do Cata - that whinefest will be bad…
I can’t wait to see how this turns out.

Seeing how stupid they are, it’ll probably be the same crap we have for wrath with a port to dungeon button. I’m ok with this.

how? how does it hamper guilds?

so it…should be in the game then?

if you don’t want to do it then don’t? also what makes it a chore? if you have better gear then you don’t need to run it

why progress heroic 25m when you’re already killed in on normal 10m?

This guy completely solved all of wow’s problems. Can we start a list of how many problems “grow a backbone” solves? Question how much does it cost you to not be toxic? Oh yea nothing at all. Yea you’re right though instead of not being toxic lets all grow a back bone.


But really though, why would you let some random idiot in the game that you’ve never met, and will probably never encounter again, affect your experience? Just ignore them.

Also, why should we remove features from the game, or not add them, because a few people here and there might be toxic? I don’t agree with that logic at all. As said so many times about RDF, and this applies to LFR as well, you don’t need to use it if you don’t want to. Run dungeons with your guild if you don’t want to pug, join a raiding guild and then you don’t need to run LFR. But to not add it because a few people might be a bit mean or toxic seems pretty stupid to me.

Did you read my post? Did you understand where I was coming from? I am not against RDF or raid finder. I merely mentioned my experience with toxicity against other people for a small preference to not have it because of that reason but I also said I didn’t have an answer for this so it doesn’t matter at all.

I am sure they will add it. I am sure I won’t use it. I am even more sure I wont come to the forums saying it ruined the game or try to get blizzard to remove it. I will play and enjoy the game I love. If blizzard said it came down to me to add or not I would add it because I wouldn’t pick my preference over people who want it.

edit** I also wish there was an environment where players can play, learn, and enjoy without toxic players harassing them. I know that more on blizzard for dishing out punishments but also on the community on a smaller scale as well. Be the change you want to see in the world. If I see people getting bullied I will speak up. Yes it is exhausting but they should be allowed the opportunity to enjoy the game as well.

Classic vanilla was by far the most toxic that I’ve seen in wow

entire servers literally died, but ya something something socializing was killed by rdf

Rdf is coming to wotlk soon it already got announced.

RDF is awesome but the best addition to Cata was random BG with loot bags while leveling (plus heirlooms for gold). Golden age of lowbie pvp incoming.

Id have to say it got pretty bad yes. Spawn camping an entire faction so that they could not get the Scarab Lord even though they had done everything to get it. But original Wrath was pretty bad too. Vanilla Classic and WoTLK (original version) worst parts in WoW for the community.

There in lies the problem. Nobody wants inexperienced raiders.
I tried through out the majority of TBCC to find a guild, but who wants someone who “doesn’t know the fights” or doesn’t have all their pre-raid BiS?
Or doesn’t have mega uber fast reaction times and leet parses?
Yeah, nobody… that’s who.

You can get yelled at anywhere in this game, for doing just about anything, and WoW is one of the most toxic MMO’s I have ever played, so I don’t think that LFR or RDF will make things any worse than it already was.

Cataclysm is not even the same genre of video game anymore. It has so many deal breakers that are deeply intricate to the game itself that removing all of them would cease the game even being cataclysm at all. Most notably the garbage world revamp.

We need vanilla+, WoW died with the lich king.


People like to go look at retail…see what it did.

And at least 50% of retail…was here in vanilla. BLizzard doesn’t share numbers ofc to confirm or deny. 50% at least seems very fair.

Retail features didn’t make people “toxic”. They were that way, the first time back in 2005 lol.

I came on board late legion for day 1 wow play. I can’t be blamed for gs, raiderio, physical gear checks on stones (pre tmog wow), mmr (inflation), or parse epeen even.

I was playing eve. till late legion for 9 years. My alibi as a retail convert is rock solid here lol. I was not at the scene of this “crime”.

WoW has always had a bit of a toxic feel to it compared to other games like say, FFXI which had one of the best communities I have ever encountered.

Adding LFR or RDF will not increase the level of toxicity because it is already there, and has been for years.