Cataclysm Classic surverys are a go

Potentially, who knows.
Wrath (or the “original 3”) is not universally liked by everyone. I know a lot of people that just said they don’t care about Wrath because they think its boring (and it was boring back then), but would be happy to play Cata and/or MoP.
Also some people keep saying they will stop after Wrath but there is a high chance they will just continue because they are either addicted to the game or their guild is going to play Cata.

Doubt it tbh

I don’t see any reason to think Cata would be more popular this time around than it was originally.

MoP might be, since it was actually a pretty solid expansion for people who were okay with the asian theme.

Never said it will. It can be more than what we currently have in wrath

Unless blizzard makes massive changes to cata there’s no reason to think that.

I added

actually for people like you. I want to reiterate that Cata is not dead on arrival. Wrath was terrible overhyped and those numbers Cata will never beat, for sure. But currently at phase 3 barely anyone is playing which is not hard for Cata to beat.

A ton of people are playing wrath, and if you think the raid logging is bad now Cata ramps it up even more not the opposite. Merging 10/25 mans kills half the raiding options(and 25 man guilds in general) and switching VP to a weekly cap kills even logging in for the daily dungeon.

Once again unless blizzard makes massive changes.

This has absolutely nothing to do with what I said. Current Wrath raiding is at its lowest because Phase 3 is a meme and Ulduar went too long. I’m just referring to that. Having good and healthy raids is not hard for Cata.

Sure but ToC is one short filler raid in between two very good raids and I can’t speak for your server but a ton of ulduar runs are still happening on pagle.

Cata on the other hand has only one really good raid, which is short, the first tier is average and DS which is the signature raid of the exp is a steaming pile and considered by many one of the worst raids in WoW.

It is a filler raid, correct. Never said anything against it. I said more players than currently, which is phase 3 aka “filler”-tier.

That assumes people will be willing to deal with all the other problems Cata has, which i doubt unless blizzard makes major changes.

And given how poorly they’ve done that in Wrath it’s highly doubtful they can do it properly.

That I can agree.


You know what WC3 Reforged was supped to be?

Upgraded graphics and cinematics.
An achievement point system.
A save-able friends list for team match making
Abtag system just for WC3 the same type we had for WC2
More added missions that would have included the rebuilding of Stormwind as they put the stockades in there which is from lore as to why we do not have the Brigand class in game as they all became prisoners there and were the most powerful and the original rogues.
A mount for one of each of the four factions so Horde would get two and Ally would get two. Glaive Thrower, Siege Tank, Catapult, Meat Wagon. That is NE, Dwarf, Orcs and Undead. But no. Did not get hardly any of that.

So if they did that much of a screwup for that, they did not have a good match connection service, did nothing that was asked of from them… do you really think Cata will be as good as you are asking for? When Wrath wasnt as good as any of us wanted it to be.


Yeah, people asking for classic+ with the current devs assigned to classic always make me laugh.

It simply cannot be good because they have absolutely no idea what their playerbase is like.


Well, now that is not entirely accurate. It was Deathwing and his spine that were considered the worse, not the entire raid.

Which were fight? Two fights in the final raid and harder heroics? LFR? There wasn’t actually many complaints when Cata was current.

I wasn’t asking anything. This is what Blizzard has put forward. As for Wrath not being good, that is entirely because of your own overhyped expectation in your nostalgia goggles.

No, its Blizzard doing #nochanges up until Wrath and went with the #somechanges nonsense. We knew what we were going to be getting then Blizzard said "buffed Ulduar, increased Ulduar Ilvl, not launching with RDF because “social interaction”, new heroic dungeon difficulties with Titan Runes that have new affixes. This isnt what we wanted. Its what some streamers and youtubers wanted and the majority of those arent even playing anymore.


I would bet that the quest does not get updated, just the actual loot drops. Fragments that drop would be used in the existing quest if you wanted.

No. It released patch 3.4 so it skipped all the other patches it skipped the patch were rets were the most OP they have ever been, it skipped the patch where priests where better than they are now, it skipped the patch were arms overtook fury to be better. it skipped the patch to where Sub got replaced by assas in certain areas, the skipped the patch where DKS were super powerful, more powerful than any class ever in WoW history.

They out us in the most balanced patch possible so it launched on 3.4 playstyle with the 3.4 balance system. They skipped all other patch balances. It has been at the same basics level of balance the entire way thru.

So dont tell ME that I don’t remember correctly. I remember better than they do. Rets were super powerful in a few patches in Wrath, more powerful than anything ever in WoW and could only be defeated by a very select few Deathknights. NONE of that append this time around.

Eles shams as well were S tier for much of Wrath in original Wrath. Now they are just okay. Contact released differently than before.

Both WIntergrasp AND SoTA have the bug to where the demos sometimes will not shoot… that bug never existed in original Wrath… but it does exist in retail.

WG will now sometimes show the wrong faction controlling it. That is a retail bug, NOT something that ever once happened in original Wrath.

Our shamy bars disappear back to back to back now and they STILL do. Tying /reload will only work sometimes as they will come back empty or with food items or abilities on them that cannot be on those bars even. That too never happened in original Wrath. That actually was a BUG that existed in retail and kept happening so much that Blizzard finally got rid of the bars becuase they didnt know how to fix it.

The bug to where the demos and cannons wont fire in Bgs. That never happened nonstop in original Wrath. That is a bug that happens in retail…and it is happening now in current Wrath.

Trade chat also functions differently now. You cant even link something then answer questions about what you linked in trade like you used to be able to in original chat from back in Wrath. So yea. Dont come at me saying I am not liking it because of nostalgia not remembering correctly.

We have lots more micro transactions now in this version of Wrath, we have WoW tokens now, we can transfer servers from any server to any server and we can do it 100% of the time. In original Wrath, you could only transfer at certain time and only from certain servers to other certain servers and they did not allow an entire faction to switch over as they would block a faction from moving over or even off the server, it was in Cata when they allowed anyone to mover anywhere at anytime.

So yea telling me that nonsense that I only don’t like it because I don’t like it as much the second time aroud…thats false. They also removed arena teams. They didnt do that in original Wrath. The vast majority of the changes in here now were not in game until well over a decade after Wrath came out. We are not playing Wrath Classic. This is Wrath retail edition.

They did do very good on this though. But just those few minor changes could be made to make it better.


Cata went from 15 million players all from Wrath to 10 million. Thats a pretty huge massive drop.

"Yes, that is right,… " says something that isnt correct