Cataclysm Classic surverys are a go

isnt it weird that blizz wasnt able to keep making a new best expansion ever???

Not really, but losing a third of your playerbase while screaming “we hoped players would rise to the occasion of our new game direction” on Twitter is a humongous defeat in pretending you know your playerbase.


I never asked for Wrath. Not once ever. Never even wanted original Classic. I still play retail and I play retail alot more than I play Wrath. But now that we have classic I keep saying no changes. I said no to having classic servers. I was against that.

Then when they said TBC was coming out I said dont release TBC
Then I said don’t release WoTLK
Now I am saying don’t release Cata.

I already have a Night Elf druid that I am leveling up just to play in Cata. I dont want the Cata to release I have said it hundreds of times here, but I will play it when it does as all the other Classic servers will die or be deleted when it does. Cata IS coming out. SO am already getting ready for it. Got a druid, a rogue and a warrior all ready for it now. I will forever quit this toon as soon as Cata launches. I had an R12 pally, quit that as soon as Wrath launched. So yea I quit my toons as soon as new expac comes out. This one made in TBC as a low level bank alt, then I leveled it up only for Wrath. As soon as Wrath ends, so does this toon.

You can pretend that is the reason and Blizzard sure did give you a nice thing to blame, but the simple fact is… You would have been complaining regardless. A Buff Ulduar and High-Level loot? You would have been complaining about ToC 25m gear replace Ulduar gear again. Just like you are complaining about it being filler now… when it wasn’t it was a raid tier.

The only thing you have any valid complaint with is the lack of RDF which by the path they have taken before should have been in at release. As that is what things being released with the final patch dictates… even then RDF wouldn’t stop people complaining.

The sooner people accept that they are wearing rose-tinted/grabage-tinted glasses with the older expansions the better.

Wow… that is so massively incorrect. WoW at no point ever hit 15 million players.

Cataclysm started at 12 million from its hype. 500k up from Wrath stagnate 11.5 million.
Over the next 3ish month people complained about the increased heroic difficulty and what not when compared to wrath and the population dropped to 11.4 million. That is 100k under wrath. Over the next 3 months, T11 didn’t hold the player base’s interest at all (expected of any release tier) and Cataclysm had its actual first drop in player base of about 1 million players. After which Firelands the rest of Cataclysm held the player base for the rest of Cataclysm.

The raid everyone likes to dumb on Dragonsoul only lost 100k players, and it wasn’t until about 8 months into Dragonsoul that another drop would happen… which is to be expected in a year-long content drought. Which was around another million players that were instantly recovered the second more content was announced to be coming with Mists.

So the loss you blame on Cataclysm… Were a harder starting point (That everyone and their mother was asking for due to wrath being too easy in their opinions, you remember the wrath baby insults) and a content drought to the end of the expansion.

and that isn’t even taking into account the real-life thing that was also going on around that same time for a majority of the player base that should have pulled more away than it did.

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What? Where are you getting this exactly? Why do so many people on the forums just make stuff up to just argue with people?

No, I am getting at there will aways be a vocal minority. If it isn’t you complaining about one thing it will be someone else complaining about another.

You leave Harrison Jones out of this!?!

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Then dont single me out like I would just be complaining about everything. I wanted an accurate representation of Wrath that is reasonable, not whatever retail like nonsense this version is.


If adding things on that don’t effect the actual representation of Wrath is causing you to complain… other things would have as well.

Because of surprise! Wrath was always about the current raid… that is it. Like I said the only thing you have “right” in complaining about it the lack of RDF given how Blizz did Vanilla and TBC. IF they give RDF in Phase 4… that would be exactly how “Wrath” was.

Nothing has actually changed besides the player base itself.

More nonsense to try to just start an argument. Its nonsense.

Not to mention

Is a lie.


Ah, yes the facts of “Welfare Epics” and “Skipping to ICC” are nonsense…

The only time where this wasn’t the case was Ulduar… because there were no Ulduar heroics… and you still had to run Naxx to get geared for Ulduar.

The second ToC came out you skipped to the latest raid.

The reason Wrath was considered such a good expansion was due to that alt friendly and the fact we were all addicted to the game so that alt-friendliness was a really good thing.

It is in fact not.

Phase 1… all about Naxx 25. Phase 2 all about Ulduar… Phase 3 all about ToC while skipping both Ulduar and Naxx. Phase 4 will be all about skipping every other raid in favor of doing ICC.

That is what happened the first time around, that is what is happening the second time around. The fact you can’t admit that and just say you don’t like Titan Rune Dungeons as a concept just shows how little your argument has bite without relying on “This isn’t wrath” as a notion.

Yes. Or do you not want people to play the game and they should go through each and every raid to “catch up”? Talk about unreasonable.

No you really didnt.

Really? So you just instantly went into TotC 10m? Just leveling and then straight to TotC?

And its not right now. Even prior to RDF introduction people were doing the heroic daily which allowed people to get emblems for gear and to get current tier emblems at a slower rate since they couldnt get into the raid yet. Now thats not the case, so this “nothing has actually changed” is nonsense. 100% unadulterated nonsense.

Yes, it is a lie. Titan Rune dungeons exist right? That wasnt in the original so the argument of “nothing has actually changed” is a lie.


You make a very good case for TBC and Vanilla. Wrath for the first time is when WoW becomes current patch focused. People ran Kara/ssc/Gruuls the entire expansion. Same with MC and AQ in Vanilla.

This is actually a good thing. Can you imagine how low play time would be if all people had was current raid?

I just want leveling to not be such a painful slog :frowning:


Every raid being relevant sounds awesome.

1-60 flying sounds terrible.

Account-wide mounts would have been such a nice feature for WotLK Classic, but I digress.

Just looked into creating my 3rd turbo-charged flying machine, and khorium bars alone are going for 100 gold a pop on my server. The mats are a several thousand gold drop when 2 of my characters already have one. That 90 gold swift wind rider looks like a bargain by comparison.

well, if they do THAT, alongside not changing the rotations and how skills work for the most part, i might just stay on instead of uninstalling like i always planned. Aside from my overall hatred of the nu-wow world, my biggest gripe was that all my favourite specs were ruined and became unfun fischer-price versions of their superior wrath forms, enhance and hunters in particular, if they kept the fun specs that were “finished” in my view untouched, but threw a few reformations in for the specs that still needed more work like spriest or rogues, that’d be okay.

I’m still going to uninstall the second i don’t like what i see in the cata prepatch though. I already unsubbed i sub off paypigs tokens now lol.

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