Cataclysm Classic Hotfixes - October 9

Any word on that bad luck protection? Still awful, and this just adds to the rng.


No one cares about a pitchfork. They want to be able to transmog their warglaives.

This isn’t retail. How retail does something has no relevance here whatsoever.

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Fix our professions.

Fix our quests.

Fix the TOGC dailies.

Game is unplayable for me.

Are they not able to? I can transmog atiesh onto my warrior already.

Won’t happen. On retail only Demon Hunters can transmog those warglaives after completing an achievement.

Thanks for spamming this non stop, no one knew these were an issue until you spammed it nonstop and now it’s fixed WOW!

That is the case on retail. On Cata, the game that we’re actually playing, Warglaives are legendary swords and the fact that it can’t be transmoged is ridiculous. Some people gave months of raiding to complete their set, and we don’t even know if Demon Hunters will happen or not, after all is Legion CLASSIC happening? That being said, just GIVE US WARGLAIVES TRANSMOG!

And the transmog rules are from retail. :man_shrugging:

On original Cata you couldn’t even transmog legendaries lol.

So what? It’s their fault that they can’t use google and lookup retail transmog rules.

Ofc it has relevance, the transmog rules are from retail.

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I want my pitchfork :sob:

yeah yeah warglaives transmog whatever can we just get these professions sorted out please thanks

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why not both

May 10, 2024

Cataclysm Classic

  • Blood Queen Lana’thel should now Vampiric Bite more consistently.
  • Kadrak now allows players to complete “To the Rescue!” even when Brutusk is busy.
  • Fixing an issue where sacks of oatmeal were not interactable during the “Keepin’ the Haggis Flowin’” quest.
  • Fixed an issue that would prevent players from completing the “Devastation” quest. “Devastation” can now be reacquired by walking near the foliage that begins the quest in the Badlands.
  • Fixed an issue that would prevent players from interacting with Sewer Caps on the “Fungus Among Us” quest.
  • The Troll racial ability Berserking will now reset when an encounter ends.
  • Paladin
    • Selfless Healer now correctly increases Word of Glory healing when Word of Glory is cast on others.
  • Priest
    • Fixed some issues with Prayer of Mending. Twin Disciplines now properly increases Prayer of Mending healing by the amount stated in the tooltip. Grace now works properly on healing from Prayer of Mending. Glyph of Prayer of Mending now increases healing from the first bounce of Prayer of Mending by 100%.
  • Shaman
    • Flametongue Totem will no longer stack with other Spell power increasing effects.
  • Warlock
    • Incubus pets can now be renamed by Warlock Demon trainers, just like other demon pets.

I figured this was a feature for the most powerful racial in the game, a horde racial buff lol

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Any plans to fix the Ulduar damage scaling at this time? Only 1 lockout left to complete Herald of the Titans for a lot of players and it’s not doable in it’s bugged state


Please im begging you to do something about archeology im over 1400 solves now


It still looks weird for me. Tooltip on the spell shows 5839 while the tooltip on the buff once casted (and actual heal) is 4010. The glyph is now working properly and doubling the amount on the first heal.

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Nice, now please do something for bad luck protection for archaeology.


Seems like low level dungeons are bugged I got Deadmines at level 15 but on Dungeon finder is 17-21 but once you hit level 19 it disappears and it’s happening to other dungeons also.

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Fix our professions.

Fix our quests.

Fix the TOGC dailies.

Fix the Guild Vaults we paid for.

Fix the game.


Please fix the chests that had their key removed and are supposed to automatically open when killing a specific boss (but they are not opening) like The Mechanar “Cache of the Legion”
 now it can’t be opened by any means and that sucks

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