Cataclysm “classic” is never going to happen

Yea I have 0 desire to play through cata again. MOP was fun. If they can find a way to just delete cata and put us straight into MOP that would be cool. I hope WOTLK sticks around for a long while though no matter what they do.

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Man, you guys are on some major copium for MoP. It makes it less of an mmorpg compared to cata.

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sorry i already gave daddy blizzard the green light for cata classic on the survey, they listen to their community.

Get off your high horse. Wotlk is not the end all be all of WoW like some of y’all like to make it out to be.

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I haven’t encountered him before, but his post makes the most sense of anything that I’ve read on here in ages.

Well, you and Blooddrunk and Lemonfront and GDKP/LFG/RDF can all go agree with each other in the bad takes corner.


For sure! For me it was a survival hunter with Multishot that could apply serpent sting damage and dots to all enemies that was so fun in dungeons.

Fire mage also were really fun.

I honestly would never Log on to Classic servers if we see Cataclysm Classic.

I would Love to see Vanilla NEW GAME +.

Thats is the only thing that would cause enough hype for me to leave Retail and Main Classic.

I dont evem wannna see TBC Classic +.

Id like to see a vanilla with Aszarah Crater BG added and alot of the features left on the cutting floor added in.

Blizzard, Please do Vanilla New Game +… Please Im clamouring and hoping, back in 2008 i told blizzard the should do Expansion servers, and they finay are with SoM and classic iterations <3

I didn’t find Cata as bad as other people did. It wasn’t amazing but it wasn’t the worst. Legion was really fun for me and Panda land was pretty good. WoD was by far worse than Cata, literally 0 content and resident sleeper raids, also has trashcan world BG.

MoP was above average all things considered. WoD was the worst expansion ever until they dropped BFA. Legion was unexpectedly amazing and is #3 overall in my personal rankings (after Wrath and the original 2004 release.)

I could careless what version of the game is re-released. I just need my Dwarf Shaman (CAT), Dwarf Monk (Myst) and for my fist/bow warrior to still be able to use a bow and fast fist weapons to remain intact/left alone before all of the changes and updates.

If it was a “joke”, then why would Blizzard send out the survey in the first place?

Ok, lot’s to address here that is both true and untrue

  1. World of Warcraft at its core is an RPG, yes there was a focus shift away from the MMO part of it. However, Classic has also shifted away from the MMO part of it too, but most just won’t accept it and think that spamming LFG chat is a form of social interaction.
  2. Stats at some point would need to be pruned and changed anyway. The number bloat becomes a bit too much at some point. If Retail kept the stats from Classic unchanged, then we’d be leveling to 160 and doing DPS in the 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 range on regular mobs.
  3. The abilities were never pruned, they were reworked so that they were more in tune with the spec that they represented.
  4. Class quests ended with Vanilla anyway. Why push a dead system that people haven’t used in 2 expansions?
  5. LFR I agree with you with. Don’t add this into the game so it keeps Guilds alive and some form of social interaction alive with it. But add RDF for pre-Max level dungeons (Or at minimum, everything except Heroic/Mythic dungeons)
  6. Transmog is fun, and gets people running old content again… Why do you hate fun?
  7. Flying in Azeroth I’ll agree with too. It was a bad idea. Leave flying for non-Azaroth areas like Northrend and Outlands.
  8. The decimation of the old world was a story-based decision. The result was a change in a lot of locations that people rarely visited post-Vanilla.
  9. Leveling and questing were always linear, you just didn’t notice because you were running from one zone to another.
    9a. Out-leveling zones can happen no matter where you are. Most people are hitting 80 before getting to IceCrown, whereas originally you would end near the end of the IceCrown questlines.
  10. This ties into the above. If something is out-leveled, then it doesn’t pose much of a threat. Mobs weren’t under-tuned in Cataclysm, you were just a lot higher with gear than you remember.
  11. Talent trees became outdated and bloated, so they got removed. The replacement wasn’t that great, but it’s better than the bloat they are… Also, look at the new Talent Trees they added into Retail: A bloated complex mess.

Cataclysm represented accessibility and allowed more people to jump into the content. However, the side effect was that people finished the content quicker, and left the game. Classic isn’t gaining the number of people you think it is, it’s actually declining at a faster rate than Cataclysm did originally.

Then it’s not Vanilla anymore, which goes against all the Classic Purist philosophy. By making changes, or bringing in Wrath-era “improvements” then it is no longer Classic.

Plus they tried Classic+, it was Season of Mastery, which is dead and done.

You have Vanilla servers still, they are dead. Why try to revive things again? The “Classic trilogy” is a one off thing and cannot last forever, no matter how many times you reboot it

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The flying mounts, purchaseable mounts, buyable boosts, cross-faction classes, same-faction battlegrounds, eSports, and hero classes are all proof that you are already playing retail. Neither TBC nor Wrath is Classic WoW.


100% chance Cata is getting a re release.

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It will be a Catastrophe for Blizzard financially if they release Cata Classic without leaving Wrath Classic playable.

Not sure I even care anymore though. Would be mildly amusing to watch them make the same mistake twice.

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Classic WoW was never Vanilla and couldn’t ever be Vanilla. It is nonsense to suggest otherwise. The creation of novel content for Classic Era(+) is entirely in-line with the design philosophy that was adopted prior to the 2019 launch and reaffirmed when the progression realms came about. TBC and onward will move through retail’s old expansions. Classic Era will not touch any of that content but may develop its own path. I’m looking forward to seeing the incorporation of assets that were cut from Vanilla’s release: Timbermaw Hold/Emerald dream/etc.

Nonsense. SoM was Blizzard’s attempt to retrofit WoW content into a Diablo 3 seasonal-play model. There were no new dungens/zones, raid bosses, loot/gear sets, or class quests. A difficulty slider isn’t Classic+.

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i won’t be doing cata again…ever.

I thought Cata was fun. Dragon Soul was a bit disappointing, but I remember loving pretty much everything else about the game.

TBH most of you guys are NPCs and hate it because it’s popular to hate it imo


Noun. sonder (uncountable) (neologism) The profound feeling of realizing that everyone, including strangers passing in the street, has a life as complex as one’s own, which they are constantly living despite one’s personal lack of awareness of it.

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Aren’t you that grey parsing rogue?

Literal bot bro