Cataclysm “classic” is never going to happen

Hey bro, I see plenty of people who want to play Cata. Whooaa youre hard af, die hard classic player, my bad my bad didnt mean to hurt you feelings. It is what it is, its undeveloped and trash, thats a fact.

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You’re cooked :rofl:

Damn why arent you on it rn? Forums are more fun? Point proven.

On what? I’m pumping in Sarth

Oh I see. Yall killed one fire elemental and its time to eat/drink again. 20 fire eles and youll be freed up for lots of forum posting.

I don’t have to drink because I use shamanistic rage on its 1m cooldown like any decent shaman would

they could drastically change it to be more in line with classic. For starters get rid of LFR.

This statement was as dumb as it gets from the get go, which is way in the past.
If complexity is expressed by amount of talent points to spend, then you dont have complexity.
Look at the oh so complex talent trees, and how much real choice there is, outside of outright stupid ones?

The only real outlier always had been some pure dps classes by comboing two trees for unexpected synergys, such as the current AOE rogue spec.

For other specs, such as my mainspec, protpally for example, my whole choice in talents could be practically forged into clicking one of 3 buttons, 1 named “prot with auramastery support”, 2 named “full defensive prot”, 3 named “offensive prot”.

Real choice does not need a bloat of fillertalents, it does not need the illusion of choice.

Just give me Legion classic. That was the next best expansion after Wrath.

the QOL changes are why it will be better in every way. They ruined wrath. Couldve linked all the community together with RDF and removed time wasting bulls*** with a few tweaks, but instead gave us this dead af game thats like the ghost of a fun game-past. Wrath classic has so many issues that makes it a very unfun game to play outside of raiding, which is why more than half the community is raid logging now. They are seriously going to wait till ICC comes out to give us RDF, and by then people will be sick of this crap and have left. Argent tournament raid is not good enough content to hold people over for the next 8 months


I will only keep playing Classic on the Condition they Do Vanilla+, if they push Cataclysm, After having purchased and Securing - every Collector’s Edition Made Available since 2004 to Present for all 5 of my account, including but not limited my Account which still has a pre-Battle(.)net Account name ie: the name on the account in the dropdown box was a self picked name and not WoW1 WoW2 WoW3 WoW4, I will be not only cancel my subscription on my 5 Accounts - that has been active since 2004 Launch day witth 15 - 30 usd x5 paid to blizzard whether I play on my alt accounts or not… I will be Perma-DELETING my BattlNet and All attached games if we do NOT get Vanilla Plus and/or are Forced into Cataclysm

Also one of the big draws of classic is the pre cata world.

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That would still exist in Classic Era.

Not in a cata classic.

Correct. In Classic Era.

I’m really starting to think people don’t know Vanilla servers still exist.

Youre purposefully ignoring the reason i said what i did.

No one wants a “classic” cata reworked world. Thats called retail.

All I said was if Cata comes in with the old world rework, the original still exists in Classic Era.

Just made a simple factual statement.

People want a fresh reset of the phases with everything starting at square one. Nobody wants to play on a static state realm forever on the last tier of content with no progression left.

Someone’s clearly never run a Cata dungeon before.

I was talking about leveling.