[CATA] Professions showing 0/0 after boost

I’d imagine Blizzard will implement a hot fix within this coming week or even patch it on reset. But then again who knows? They seem to not really care.

It sucks feeling so powerless and in the dark…they got our hard earned money…,they give no response here, they refuse to rectify it in game……this is crazy

I haven’t read through this whole thread, so I don’t know if it’s been mentioned yet, but does it make any difference if a character has no professions when boosted? As in, can a character that has been boosted from level 1 to 80 pick up professions? Or are they stuck with no professions at all?

Boosting with zero professions (unlearned) doesn’t seem to cause any issues. However if you have professions, no matter the level and you use a boost, your professions are glitched out at 0/0 until further notice.

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Thank you! I was hoping that was the case.

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Still happening

We have received several reports of this issue and can confirm it is not working as intended. Currently, we do not have a workaround or resolution that can be provided. We apologize for any inconvenience while our developers work as quickly as possible to resolve the issue.

So the people who got the explored not only got FREE 80s they got to keep their skills. Don’t worry guys it’s just there first time doing cata.

Refund is not working, post in bug forum is not working and ticket is not working.

We payed for a service that didn’t work.

Good times…So several back and forth in regards to this issue. I keep updating my ticket. Generic responses and what not. So here is the latest. I quoted at the top of the ticket the part of their response that is annoying in regards to refunds.

“We can also understand that you may be disappointed with your purchase of a character boost due to this issue and may be considering a request for a refund. Character boosts can be considered for refund as long as the service token has not been applied to a character, but once a token is used, there is unfortunately no possibility for a refund.”

My issue with this statement is…I had no way of knowing that this would not work with my professions being set to 0/0 when this occurred. So, yes I used this boost token that I paid for in the assumption that it would work as it previously has. But Blizzard sold a BROKEN SERVICE. The boost did not work as it was supposed to. Make my character back to 64 and give me my professions as they were and refund my money for the boost. The boost was only bought to make my character level 80, so that I could then easily farm to get my already learned professions to max PRIOR to Cata release on May 20. As previously stated, my Skinning was 350/450 and my Mining was 349/375. I don’t remember what my secondary skills were and do not honestly care about those. I care about my 2 primary professions being bugged. Again, I PAID for a SERVICE from Blizzard that is BROKEN. I don’t see how this would follow under the notion “of once it is used, there is no refund.” If I bought an appliance or something from a physical store, took it home, opened the box and then it was BROKEN; I would go back to the store with the item (I get this is a digital item, but that’s not on me) and get my money back. I should not be stuck with a broken item, nor a broken service.
Thank you kindly.

I posted earlier, that in my case, I boosted the day before the pre patch, and then just going through the motions I deleted alchemy to learn mining. Worked just fine and didn’t think anything about it. Come back two days later and mining was showing 0/0 (it was still 0 anyways from learning it) as well as herbalism being 0/0, and was unable to unlearn them now. And I noted that I had “smelt enchanted elementium” as a learned spell for mining having never had mining on the character before and therefore never having learned the spell from BWL.

So no matter the time of the boost, pre or post pre-patch, your professions are bricked since the pre-patch launched.

Daily bump. I sure do hope the 3 remaining classic devs see this forum post before Cata launches.

bumping but also snarky response, doubtful. Im still fully convinced they just want the problem to magically fix itself and not have to do actual work

So i bought 2, and boosted a new spriest with 0 profs, and a druid with 300+ in the gathering profs. My spriest is totally fine and my druid is bricked. Purely my own experience though

Bump-ity Wump-ity

Bumping during the weekend probably isn’t particularly useful. They usually have the weekend off.

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From the looks of it bumping at all is t useful as they are typically off for weeks on end

weekend warrior bump

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they responded some BS like they did to you. its freaking 75$ and they cant make it work after 15+ years of doing wow. I am about to just quit wow forever. apparenlty they did responded. see this post


That blue post response is so obscure and off the beaten path that no One will see it until after the damage has been done (maybe). Meanwhile that post says they know about it, don’t have a fix yet they are still selling the service with no upfront warnings… after cata I’m done with blizzard as it’s just been one scam after another after let down after let down…. I would quit now but I really want to play cata for nostalgic purposes…but yeah after… I’m done with anything that has to do with blizzard

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bumping because still have a bricked character i SPENT MONEY for


So this issue has been happening for 10+ days and they didn’t take this off the store?

I feel like I just got scammed. The payment system sure isn’t bugged.