[CATA] Professions showing 0/0 after boost

Found this after having the same issue as of today. Leveled both mining and blacksmithing substantially prior, boosted my character to find them both at 0/0 and unable to level skill or do anything useful with those skills.


this is so cooked. FIX IT!

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Imagine a world where on a bug report forum, in a post with over 100 replies, someone from the company said “we know, working on it, sorry for the inconvenience.”


that would require a company that cares. Also daily bump

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daily bump no fix and no announcement

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Imagine, in this same world, a player calls out Blizzard (indirectly using one piece of colorful language to hammer home the point) for continuing to offer paid boosts without warning the potential consumer that the character will come out half bricked, and said player receives a forum suspension and the post warning others against purchasing a paid boost is deleted


agree on your last point. This will probably be my last foray into WoW. It’s only because I spent the time (leveling an old classic character to 80) and the money (to server xfer and to purchase a brick (sorry, I mean boost) for my alt), and because I have some old friends returning to 10 man raid, that I will probably see Cata through. But honestly, if this isn’t fixed, with no acknowledgement, by the time cata launches in 7 days, I’ll walk away. That will tell me that this dumpster fire of a company doesn’t have anyone at the top interested in putting out the inferno, so they won’t be getting any more of my money.


Blizzard clearly has 0 intention of fixing this anytime soon and the fact theyre still selling them is insane. Gonna be opening a ticket to demand a refund for the boost doubt blizzard will actaully fix this unless people start demanding refunds never would have bought the boost if they told me this would happen. It’s looking very likely blizzard will let cata launch without fixing this, only reason i bought this stupid boost was to level new profs before launch.


Hate to break it to you but they definitely will not refund in any way. I’ve tried many times at this point just for the hell of it and have gotten nowhere.

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denial of refund, denial of any disclaimers to unsuspecting customers about a broken product is indeed illegal.

www/ .ftc.gov/enforcement/penalty-offenses/damagedmerchandise

read this before they delete this post as we know they will.


So about two-weeks and no ETA or any communication in the least of when this might be fixed, unequivocally unacceptable. Any other small indie to large gaming company would spam in-game chat with issues/updates to keep players/customers abreast of game-breaking issues and more than likely would have fixed this game-breaking issue within the hour, (Rift, Warhammer Online, WoW Private, servers do/did this, just to name a few.) A $70-Billion-plus Corp. and refuses to help us, makes sense /S

Old school Blizzard used to make fun games “THEY” wanted to play, (Ohh how I miss them.) New Blizzard makes broken games to make fun of gamers. We have become trolled by them and are the new /s meme, (I’m not laughing btw.)


Daily bump


Profs still broken, unacknowledged, and refund refused. Like others have said if they would at least COMMUNICATE that they hear us on this problem I wouldn’t feel so bad but 2 weeks and not a single word at all is soul crushing. Only 7 days until official launch and it looks like my character I boosted won’t be playable even though it’s been around since classic launch. All they have to do is put out that dang blue post.


they deleted a post where i complained hard and suggested to people to do like i did and unsub. lol. spend 150$ to get a mage to 80 and get my hunter farmer herb/mining to 80 and now he is bricked. I litterally wasted 150$ in 1 week plus the monthly sub for this crap. and they are still selling the service that is bugged. they are all for $ and dont care about customer apparently. cant even take time to say something about it like we know and it will be fixed be patient
 nope thats to hard


My daily bumpity wumpity

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I went on ahead and submitted something to the FTC. Will it get any traction? Probably not. Will it get me a refund? The bug fixed faster? Some sort of acknowledgement from Blizzard that the game is jacked up? Probably not x3. But at least I will put them on notice.

Blizzard, your company has gone to sheet, and your product is trash now. Shame on you for treating players in such a fraudulent manner.

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Has anyone tried to do a race change and see if this solves the problem?

No but if you do a copy to the PTR your professions completely reset to 0 skill out of whatever total you had before (ie 0/375).

I’m having this issue as well. The boost was acting buggy from the start. It didn’t take effect immediately. It went through overnight. I had learned mining and herbalism prior to the boost but hadn’t leveled either. After the boost, gathering herbs doesn’t increase your skill level and even though the UI gives you the option to unlearn herbalism, clicking “OK” to confirm doesn’t remove the profession. Very annoying to be stuck without any primary professions and unable to change. It would be ironic if the boost, supposedly designed to help save players’ time, actually caused boosted characters to be behind at launch, stuck at profession level 0

I know this is a common, mostly idle, threat in such instances, but has anyone tried a charge back to their CC for broken merchandise?

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