[CATA] Professions showing 0/0 after boost

That would be comical because a bug that breaks such a core component of the game is not going to fix itself.

Also wonder if there is less pressure to fix it quickly because it’s basically affecting “only” half the player base? Like people who already played all of wrath and have multiple 80s already leveled didn’t use boosts and don’t have bricked professions.

If EVERYONE suffered from this bug, there would be a greater impetus to fix it faster.

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I got a feeling they actually don’t know how to fix it.

I would honestly respect the 1 classic dev commenting on this post, just to say: “I’m trying to figure it out” at this point.

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So glad Im not alone in this predickament. I have written 2 tickets only to get their “canned” response to go to forums, posts, etc. I just keep the ticket open and going waiting for a human response. I even included my professional levels before the boost so they can just copy it. Easy right? lol FYI this has been going on for me for over 2 weeks.

Yeah this is insane. You’d think after being purchased by the largest company in the world (Microsoft), they’d hire more people instead of laying even more off. BLIZZARD get your support personnel back! This is an unprecedented and terrible service! We pay good money to break our characters?! Very uncouth…

Yep, still an issue.

not working on my end still

me neither

bumping this post yet again

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bump still…

Still waiting for a fix, GMs can’t do anything for us as they keep referring me to the bug forum to report it.

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Bump. This just happened to me when I bought the upgrade for cata.
Need this fixed asap!!

Keep bumping everyone! No reason should we pay for a service with an unapologetic glitch and no recourse or action being implemented whatsoever.

ikr I REALLY wished they’d posted a disclaimer on the store before i dropped $80 on this. I still would have bought it but i would have instead sit on the boost for a few more weeks on my character page.

I have the same issue: boosted to 80, existing professions now 0/0, but (for me) more importantly, I cannot even unlearn existing profs (I wanted to level two crafting profs before launch). I received responses to my tickets asking for some sort of compensation for having sold me a service which (even temporally) broke a pretty central part of my main character, but unsurprisingly, I just received various platitudinous responses and no help at all.

I have no idea what to do if they can’t actually fix this issue soon. Do I play my main without profs in Cata??

I was just told, per the bug report I submitted this;

"After doing some investigation, I can confirm that we have received several reports of this issue and that is not working as intended.
Dear John, we completely understand how much this impacts your enjoyment of the game, and we are here to listen and help our players in the best way we can, and we hope you remember that we are truly appreciative of all your patience.

While this situation is under investigation by our Development Team, Customer Support will not be able to intervene, as it would be a solution for only one character, which would not fix the overall issue for everyone else.
Our intervention could also lead to some players getting double compensation, since our developers, many times, intervene with a hotfix.
Therefore, we kindly suggest submitting a bug report of your situation, as it will greatly contribute to our investigation."

So…you’ll have to wait for that Dev team to get off their a$$ and fix it. There you have it.


Yeah Blizzard is awful. Apparently they like to rape their co-workers and now their customers. Good to know.

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Still stuck at 0/0 on all professions and cannot unlearn still. Ticket submitted in game and haven’t heard anything on it for 48 hours. Come on and just make a blue post already.

No change


My char still bugged. Both my engineering and jewerlcraft were 425+ and now both are 0/0

At this point I just want direction as being told to report it to the “bug forum” isn’t enough after it has been acknowledged by blizz already based on a past post in this thread.
Should I keep leveling/playing Ecura? Should I just stop playing until the actual launch when it’s fixed? As this boosted toon will be the only one I’ll play and keep up in this xpac due to work and yes im over 35 years old so i’m asking for actual product support and not just only venting)
Will my character get unboosted to fix the issue making leveling moot? Things like that.

I realize this is the weekend but still this is a 24/7 game.

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