[CATA] Professions showing 0/0 after boost

That’s the most telling/distressing thing to me. They are fine with giving almost zero warning, publicly, about the danger of boosting a character right now. You basically have to know it’s a problem before being able to look up that it’s a problem. Meanwhile, they are happy to take that boost money and let people keep on bricking.

Either take the boost down, or attach some sort of warning. “Hey when you do this, there is currently a bug that ruins a core element of the game: professions. We are aware of the issue and working on a fix. Boost at your own risk… You have been warned.”

In a world where Blizzard has made and continues to make all sorts of missteps with regards to WoW, this may be one of the biggest in recent memory.


ive been pushing a billion in game tickets not letting em off the hook till they put up a blue post

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i could not agree more… after i had thought about this… i found it deeply disturbing to say the least

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Still broken.


Indeed it is. Not going to play Cataclysm until they fix this!


over the years I have BOOSTED dozens and dozens of characters through a lot of expansions, not to mention the $$ I’ve spent doing so. I have never ever had my pre-existing professions stripped, ever…until now. This is extremely disconcerting.
Paid for the premium expansion $80 and cannot play because I have no professions.
Professions are everything!!! Fix this already!

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you paid for a premium allright… a premium toon brick

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Same issue bs to pay 40$ and blizzard can’t even respond


but hey at least they left the premium char bricking service on the store for others to fall victim to for a mere 40-80 dollars! it even comes with a mount!

so others dont get the same run around yet they are still selling the bricking services knowing that is fks people over

Cant believe this is still an issue. I thought I’d never be surprised by anything from Blizzard but this honestly got me. To KNOW that this is a problem yet still sell the service with no warning of the in game issues is EXTREMELY scummy behavior.

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Bumping this every single day, can’t believe it isn’t fixed yet. Paid hard earned money to have my character bricked.


I’m having same problem.

I boosted my Shaman and all professions became 0/0.


what really bothers me is blizz says they are aware of this bug yet they keep the boost pack up for sale allowing for more innocent victims to pile up

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What is the solution in this case?

If I refund the order they rollback my Shaman with correct professions ?

I agree that they should remove the sale.

I was surprised that in 7 days they didn’t fix the bug.

what im prob going to do is buy another boost to unbrick the class i want to play… lucky most things are account bound now

At this point I’d be happy with being able to just wipe my professions and relevel them from scratch

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I lost 2 professions 425+ on my Shaman.

The correct solution, they should give max level for everyone that bought a product that is not working.


Not counting the $80 I paid for the Epic Upgrade, I additionally bought (4) additional bricks @ $40 each.

BEWARE the Boosts, I mean bricks are now $60 again. SOOOO Instead of disabling the $40 Boost sale price until this is fixed…they raised it back to $60 and still selling broken “enhancments” :rofl:


If this is not fixed or addressed by Friday, I am asking for my money back as should you

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