[CATA] Professions showing 0/0 after boost

Can confirm. Boosted 2 toons, both have maxed professions sitting at 0/0 skill level, but I’m still able to perform learned tasks. Example, I can do Northrend Research on my scribe, but I can’t mill herbs.

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Can confirm just had this problem as well Engineering/Blacksmithing 0/0, also opened a ticket. I should note that while it appears I still know the recipes I’m not sure I can actually craft them or not, what I do know for a fact is I can no longer equip my Furious Gizzmatic Goggles, because I don’t meet the skill requirement to wear them anymore. Also can’t use my Turbo Charged Flying Machine which really sucks, or the potion injectors, lotta work went into all that. I’d have not used the boost if I knew it was going to create this much of a massive headache. It also seems to have set my First Aid to 0/0, but curiously did not impact Cooking or Fishing professions.

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Same issue here, I boosted my level 70 warrior to level 80 with capped 375 blacksmithing, engineering & first aid. after boosting the character all my professions showed as 0/0 & I’m unable to use any of the items I had previously crafted or craft new items/advance the professions. This really needs to get made whole, the entire point of the service is to save time & advance in a timely manner.

Blizz, please give us an official response.

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Same here. Opened a ticket and this is what they had to say about it…

We have received several reports of this issue and can confirm it is not working as intended. Currently, we do not have a workaround or resolution that can be provided. We apologize for any inconvenience while our developers work as quickly as possible to resolve the issue.

At least they are aware that a lot of people are having this experience.


Came back to Classic Cataclysm after an 18month hiatus. Bought the Epic upgrade which included the 80 boost. Boosted my main to 80 only to discover all of my professions are 0/0. This is extremely vexxing and NOT a good way to come back after 18 months. BIG A$$ surprise! NOT happy. It’s unbelievable actually.
@Aliialaria, thanks for posting your findings.

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Gotta love that. Just wish theyd say literally ANYTHING in the form a blue post

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Bumping as this needs a response by a blue

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all bot responses

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Having this issue 5/5… bump


Having the same issue, bump


Having the same issue. Mining is bugged at 0/0 won’t let me drop or level it.


Bump we need a blue post

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Still having this issue on 2 toons. bump

I am also having this issue as well, 450 enchanting/Tailoring, Cooking, First aid. All gone. Not to mention i lost all my Enchants that i had to farm from classic, and BC. I also noticed that i did not get a weapon as a part of the boost.

This is Blizzard Response…
Thank you for reaching out to Blizzard Support. My name is Anebroonro, and I’m here to help with your ticket. I understand that you boosted your character to level 80 but your professions level got reset to 0. It’s never fun to lose progress or valuable items, so let’s see what we can do.

I’m sorry to hear about your issue. I did some thorough investigation into your account, but unfortunately, we couldn’t find the cause of the problem. This likely indicates a bug, and I suggest reporting it to our development team so we can look into it.

To report a bug on our forums, you can follow these steps:

Visit the official Blizzard forums.
Navigate to the “Bug Report” section.
Create a new thread detailing your issue, including the missing items, what happened before they disappeared, and any other details that might be useful.
Click “Submit” to send your report.
Reporting this way helps our developers identify and fix potential bugs, and we appreciate your help in doing so. I wish I had better news for you, and I’m sorry for any inconvenience this has caused. If you have other questions or need further assistance, please let me know. Thanks again for your patience, and good luck with your adventures in Azeroth.

Best regards,

you get a weapon when you do the little questline they give you when you boost, but yeah professions are bricked womp womp

This is utterly PATHETIC lmao. The fact that this has been an issue for almost a week and they STILL have no update and can’t provide an actual legitimate response is mind-boggling. Had I read into this prior to boosting and buying game time, I would have steered clear. What a godforsaken sorry excuse of a company.


same issue…

what really bothers me is blizzard says they are aware of the issue but its not fixed and they are keeping the boost up on the store allowing more people to piling up and brick their toons


They’ve at least created this support article, so others don’t get the same run around I did when I first created my ticket. Here’s hoping there’s a fix in tomorrow’s patch.


Tuesday comes and still nothing Blizzard, yet, you have our money. Maybe we need to be addressing our concerns to Microsoft here

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