[CATA] Professions showing 0/0 after boost

Come on guys, please. I want me engineering mogs

Daily bump. Unbelievable this isn’t fixed yet.

Way ahead of you - I just requested a refund earlier today.

Blizzard you are absolute garbage.

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Same issue here

Gonna bump this til they acknowledge the problem publicly


Latest hot fix has no fix

Only fix for boosted toons:

  • Fixed an issue where level 80 boosted characters were not properly learning their class and spec’s Mastery abilities.

I also want to provide some clarity to my issue personally: I actually boosted the day before the patch. I logged in and my professions were fine. I was able to delete alchemy and grab mining. Then I sat in my hands until Tuesday afternoon post patch when I logged in and everything was busted. So it bricked my toon’s professions: (a) on a character I boosted PRE- pre-patch and (b) for professions I had newly acquired and not even begun to level. I know a lot of people now are boosting as we speak and logging in to find bricked characters. What I’m saying is my boosted toon was fine before the pre-patch and bricked post- pre-patch. So one can’t say “oh man if I had done this before the patch maybe I would be ok.” The answer is “no, you are bricked no matter what.”

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I opened several tickets, including refunds with no success. Only copy-paste answers.

One of the tickets said the developers know the bug exist.

I’m starting to think it could be a serious problem and hard to fix.

bumping since this still is not fixed

Daily bump.

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all this does is tell Blizzard that they don’t need to fix the services they offer because the player’s will just give them more money to find work arounds
 I strongly recommend holding off on boosting any more characters until they fix this issue. Otherwise, what reason do they have to fix the bug?

Why haven’t they even acknowledged this ?

FIX OUR PROFESSIONS! Can we get a blue post acknowledgment on this issue please so we can have access to our professions? @Blizzard @Customer Service @Reddit @Youtube @TwitterXwhateveritscalled. Someone make a tiktok or something; seems the only way issues get addressed in this game is a public outcry on social media.

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People opened tickets, posted a lot of posts on Bugs and posted on Reddit.

How this bug still not fixed ? And no blue post


Still broken, and they are advertising the shop for the cata return weekend

I tried tweeting at blizzardcs and got ignored


You wouldn’t expect there to be an issue like this. I boosted a character to do gathering stuff 62 → 80. Mining was 300 and herbing was like 40. Tried dropping herbing to relevel it, but it won’t let me. My goal was to have mining and herbing maxed before cata launch, but judging on the lack of response and how old the OP is I am seriously doubting that will be possible. Do they refund gold for mount training if I have to refund the boost? :slight_smile:


Charge back incoming if something I paid for is broken, unacknowledged, and they refuse to refund without any actual information on if a fix is coming and when. Gotten alot of good stuff to send the banks way if they keep up the silence and AI responses.


You may get a refund but what will you do about your toon being bricked?

 come on guys