[CATA] Professions showing 0/0 after boost

::Heath Ledger’s Joker Clapping gif::

I ran out of patience after 7 days of radio silence here and GMs trying to convince me everything was working as intended (boosts don’t boost professions).

And I was never understanding except in so far as I understood Blizzard: (a) didn’t actually know it was broken and then didn’t actually know how to fix it (a day late and a dollar short) and (b) doesn’t care about its subscribers.

I suppose y’all can have back that 40.00 I reclaimed for my boost. But you lost a subscriber for sure from all this. After Cata Classic has lost its luster and the friends I agreed to play it with have moved on, I’m done with this game.

(And no y’all can’t have my stuff…I don’t have much of anything anyways…played this game as a minimalist).

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What good is 75/75 on launch day? You guys should have maxed us all out as an apology.


should you not have maxed everyone out as an apology for the MASSIVEinconvenience and complete silence??? as alot of people would have clearly taken the profs to cata ready levels… your silence led me to boost ANOTHER toon without profs JUST to work around this last reset as there was zero time left to get things in order before cata


When is the next realm restart?

tomorrow. Man Blizzard, the coup de grâce in all this is that we won’t even be able to use the bricked characters until TOMORROW after you reset the servers. Appreicate you letting us see everyone else playing the game to its fullest while we wait yet another day. Let me run this back again:

::Heath Ledger Joker Clapping gif::

When y’all want to make a hash of something, you don’t pull any punches.

Should have just done a chargeback

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I don’t even remember what levels my profs were at before, but they were not at 450, which they would have been if this hadn’t happened. How fun it will be to go back to Outland and start farming ore there, and painfully leveling my engineering, as everyone knows how fun that one is. I came to Classic for Cata, as that’s when I began playing all those years ago, and frankly this has just taken all the air out of what used to be my excitement for the launch and the game. Three weeks of silence, then a blue post offering pfffft, and more time to wait for the fix. “Oh, just level the toon, it’s no big deal,” apparently is Blizzard’s take, which goes to show they just don’t get it. These are the folks who invented AOC achieves, and yet it’s no big deal to set players behind with this ridiculousness.

If you’d maxed these toons’ professions for us - the way we would have if you hadn’t broken them - it’s likely everyone would stop complaining. But you blew it, Blizzard. I’m sure the argument is “it wouldn’t be fair to other players who had to level normally” but it sure wasn’t fair to knowingly sell us a broken service that bricked our professions for weeks - PAST the Cata launch.

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and have my char blocked?

Did a chargeback almost a week ago now and no character block. ::shrug::

Blizzard’s Service “sucks balls”.

how hard would it be for them - WEEKS AGO - to max professions.
allow those they screwed free boost/replace items.

but no, they give BS excusses that there is no fix - STEAL our money and refuse to refund, when not providing service.

Now past cata launch.

should sue the lazy F%&^%$!!
been weeks…

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Looks like my Main professions have finally been fixed, oddly First Aid seems to have been missed, and is still 0/0…guess this is progress though

I just came here to say the exact same thing. Professions are where they should be acccording to the hotfix. However first aid is still 0/0

As people said.

My 2 main professions are working now.

First aid is still 0/0 and I can’t level it.

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Professions fixed but my First Aid is still 0/0 cant level it . fix it please.

first aid still bricked. bricked company.

yay 300 eng thanks blizzard and ya you missed first aid

congrats on that one, there are others in here that had theirs blocked

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maybe in 2 months they will respond with a, ok we fixed it and set it to lvl 10


Bump for First Aid, seriously come on


Please fix the first aid! Pretty please…