[CATA] Professions showing 0/0 after boost

Yup, I purchased a boost specifically to work on my professions before the Cata launch, so I’d not have to work backwards, and instead…well, everyone on this thread knows. Blizzard knew about the problem and kept selling boosts with no workaround or solution in sight. And despite having many methods of providing customer service on this - ways to soften the blow that really cost them nothing - the response is basically: we don’t have a fix, we don’t have an ETA on the fix, but we do have: your money. Ha ha!

They’re sending out canned responses or those irritating “gamified” responses (“Hi, I’m Gamemaster Iduntcare, thanks for being an epic part of Azeroth!”) that say: nothing. I actually got “please submit a bug report because the more players that are affected, the more resources we’ll devote to fixing it.” Which is just offensive.

At this point, the only solution I’ll be satisfied with is Blizzard maxing my professions at the time of the fix, because I can assure you: if they had not broken my character, those professions WOULD be maxed. That was the major reason I boosted - to stop leveling and max out the professions before the May 20 launch.

Blizzard did indeed sell a broken service, and the only way they’ll learn is if it hurts. A credit card payment dispute - even if they win the case - still hurts them with every chargeback hitting their chargeback rate, and they’ll likely pay extra fees to their payment processor. It takes time to respond, and that hits them where it hurts - money they have to spend. So I encourage players to initiate a payment dispute/chargeback for “product unacceptable” and to detail what they purchased versus what they received and to describe the lack of customer service (re: any attempt to compensate for the breakage via partial refund, in-game goodies, store credit - literally anything that could count as an attempt) on this issue.

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I’m planning on doing just that if it’s not fixed after today’s maintenance. But it will be weeks before the outcome is known.

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So they know the bug excist. They continue selling the broken product, we can’t refund and they didn’t fix.

When people buy and use the broken service they come to bug forum to know why is not working and here we are.

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Hence why I sent a report to FTC. I highlighted all of that, pointing out the absurdity of this “loop.”

No fix after today’s maintenance.


I have sent this joke of a company about 20 emails in the last two weeks with nothing but condescending replies, at this point i’m beyond frustrated i’m down right angry, 5 days until launch and not even a whisper of a fix in sight, boosts are still being sold with out a care in the world, this is beyond a joke now, why aren’t more people upset by this, they essentially stole our money, if we stole millions of dollars we would be in jail…most of us left retail because of this bull @#$% constantly happening…what an absolute joke full stop…

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I am Very disappointed that my professions are still bricked. Was really looking forward to playing today. Might have to reconsider renewing my sub after my expires. hope they fix this before launch. Maybe I need to ask for my money back from the upgrade I purchased.

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Yup, no fix after maintenance, so I added a formal refund request to my ticket so I can get their refusal and reason for the refusal in writing, and then my chargeback is good to go with point-by-point details of how Blizzard Entertainment has no valid defense against a VISA chargeback for 13.3 “Not as Described or Defective Merchandise/Services.”

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Can we get a blue to update us on this please? We are 2 weeks deep into this problem with no response…

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Hilarious update: I made a formal request for a refund given their failure to fix this bug over the last two maintenance periods. Their reply contained this paragraph:

"Usually all sales are final, refunds are exceptions approved under very restricted conditions. Unfortunately we couldn’t make the refund for the Level 80 Character Boost (Progression) due to our strict politics and rules of our shop. We recommend to be extra careful from now on to not have any other problem like this." [My Emphasis.]

So now even Blizzard Entertainment is suggesting that we all be extra careful before buying products or services from [checks notes]…Blizzard Entertainment…lest we be sold seriously defective merchandise. Be warned!


blizzard deinded refund so i’mdisputing charge with my bank and filing an FTC complaint. This company always finding new ways to be worse than the week before.


I am having the same issue-- unable to unlearn and train new professions after using the character boost

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there are some that asked for a refund and bliz denied it


also blizzard… stop hitting yourself stop hitting yourself stop hitting yourself
im going to go like this and if you get in the way its your fault


Same issue, they refuse to fix it(unlearn my (0/0) manually) and they refuse to refund the boost(i never signed to get a lvl 80 with locked professions at 0/0)…



I am getting tired of Blizzard not fixing these issues and I have been around since the beginning, it has never been this bad.

Like others have mentioned, they have not fixed the issue after yet another maintenance window and on top of that no update regarding our issue. I get it, depending on the issue, this may take time but ATLEAST give up an update showing that they care instead of making us fill out tickets that we have to wait for at least 5 days to even get a reply.

As of right now, we are paying for a game that we cannot fully experience. Even if we aren’t having issues with other characters we have other issues affecting our experience in other ways which should warrant for at least refunded/added additional game time ATLEAST.

Even if we can’t get a refund regarding our character boosts, they can at least give us more game time but they probably won’t even do that.

My guess, they won’t have this issue fixed until the full release of Cata on the 20th which sucks for those who are trying to make sure we are caught up and ready for the expansion.

Gotta love them.

Daily bump. Scammed by blizzard and they refuse to acknowledge their shady business practices. Cancelling sub.


Hey Microsoft, you have a lot of angry customers here

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I also filed a detailed report with the FTC. This is very poor merchant behavior indeed, to continue to promote and sell a service they know is broken and for which they have no remedy. The idea that “we’re the mighty Microsoft” makes them exempt from good merchant conduct needs to be squashed. I encourage everyone to take the time to file a neutral-language report (it won’t pay to get salty with the FTC) detailing Blizzard/Microsoft’s behavior here (emphasis on: it’s broken, they know about it, they have no fix, they’re still selling with no warnings to consumers, which is the stuff the FTC cares about most.)


This whole thing just gets funnier. GM gives me links to the RETAIL bug forum and also says I am too late to request the refund even though this ticket was opened about 10 days ago. What a great response.

This is Game Master Nalloruleq but you can call me Nero. Thank you for contacting Blizzard Entertainment and for being a part of our community, we are ready at your service.

Upon reading your request, I understand you would like to refund for, let me see what I can do for you.

We are not able to refund due to the time frame, and we are not able to compensate because of the bug and not wanting any more issues occurring.

But before you go, let me tell you that despite knowing that this may not have been what we both wished for an answer… I highly encourage you to please submit your feedback to the devs of the game, as everyone here aims to ensure providing the greatest gaming experience for all of our players. As everyone here aims to ensure providing the greatest gaming experience for all of our players, you can do that by visiting this link: https://us.battle.net/support/en/article/15550

As a side note, I want you to know that we are thankful to you for being part of our universe, and should our paths cross again, I hope I’ll be a bearer of good news for you next time!

And finally, and while it may have never been my intention to provide you with a negative response, I hope I was able to at least shed some light onto why we couldn’t proceed with the refund, as well as provide you with an alternative option for your voice to be heard by the right people, who will ensure taking your feedback into consideration and do their best to build on top of it!

We appreciate that you bug report it in link below, so it reaches our developers as soon as possible and you can check our forums if issue got resolved:


For the meantime, If you need anything else, we’re always here for you at anytime.

Best regards!
Blizzard entertainment
GM Nalloruleq

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