[CATA] Professions showing 0/0 after boost

I swear they’re using, like, ChatGPT-2 for their automated responses, they’re just so bad.

I love WoW (obviously), but Blizzard has the worst customer service of any company I’ve ever interacted with, and I’m old as hell.


My little daily bumpity wumpity. Would really appreciate this being fixed and actually addressed. I hate paying for broken items - whether it is a physical item or digital item.


I gave my feedback to the FTC and, soon, my credit card issuer. Just waiting for my own “you can’t have a refund” confirmation from Blizzard AI so I can include it in the chargeback.

If others want to take this up with their card issuer, do a web search on your card’s chargeback rules. You’ll see the formal guides. For VISA, it’s “Dispute Management Guidelines for Visa Merchants” - go to page 47 (sidebar number - it’s page 44 in ToC) and review the requirements for condition code 13.3, Not as Described or Defective Merchandise/Services. You will easily figure out how to word your chargeback in this situation. Use these guidelines.

For MasterCard, search “Chargeback Guide Merchant Edition” and look at page 53, “Goods or Services Were Either Not as Described or Defective,” reason code 4853 (ignore all the banking language; this is the professional guide, just look at the basics)

If you used AMEX, just call them and tell them what happened and they’ll do the work for you.

(I was a chargeback specialist in my working days)


Your state’s Attorney General might prove more useful than the feds. They’ll have a consumer complaint form online. It doesn’t matter if the offending business isn’t headquartered in your state – the AG can still pursue it. You can even report a business if you see them ripping off someone else; you don’t have to be affected personally.

how has this NOT been responded to at this point esp with cata release around the corner

So they made me fill out a GM survey from my first ticket and then asked if my problem was resolved. I told them how I feel about everything and then said no it wasn’t resolved, so they asked me to explain again my problem, which I again did in detail, only to get an automated GM response since I was offline saying “we get this question all the time but unfortunately professions don’t boost when you boost a character.”

Swear to god, I hope it’s AI and not a live person on the other end, because no way someone this stupid could be hired to work for a company.


Just here to add my broken profession woes

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I don’t believe we are going to start Cataclysm with no profession.


you must be new here :rofl:

(I hate having to say that…I want you to be right, but it ain’t happening at this point)

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daily bump

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daily bump

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watching hotfix after hotfix and most of them seem pretty unimportant compared to this…

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Going to add to this thread. I have been watching this post for a few weeks now hoping to get a blue response. I would really like to see my professions before cata launch. Still stuck at 0/0

Daily bump, character still broke.

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My character is still broken…

It’s sad because I think Blizzard actually won’t announce there is a problem so people will still buy the service.


i literally just bought a new boost and trained my profs up again just because we are so close to cata and my main is still bricked with no acknowledgment from blizz other than AI ticket responses… I was praying not to have to boot another toon just to work around this but its been weeks… what a company this is


bumpity bump bump bump

Yeah, I got my refund refusal with the usual reason - “you used the boost so no refund for you, even though you had to use it to find out about the bug.” I’ve filed the dispute with my bank and received a temporary credit for the charge.

Please, I encourage all affected players to dispute the charge with their card issuer, although you run the risk of the affected character being locked or maybe even your whole account. Blizzard will not learn without consequences, and selling a flawed service and refusing refund due to using said service and only then finding out it’s broken is against ALL card brand rules. Do not rant and rave when talking to your bank or drafting your dispute evidence. Use neutral language and stick to the facts. I can’t post a Drive link to my evidence, and this post might get nuked by Blizzard, but here’s a blurb for VISA cardholders that can be adapted for other cards in a general sense:

Cardholder asserts the following conditions, outlined by VISA, for this chargeback:

• Merchandise or services did not match the description on the transaction receipt or other documentation presented at the time of purchase.
• The merchandise was received damaged or defective.
• The cardholder disputes the quality of the merchandise or services.

Blizzard Entertainment must prove one of the following to reverse this chargeback, per VISA chargeback resolution guidelines:

• The merchandise or service was as described.
• Returned merchandise was not received or services were not canceled
NOTE: any assertion by Blizzard that refunds are only granted if the product/boost token is not redeemed, or must be requested prior to redemption, are invalid, as the defect is only apparent AFTER the token is USED
• The merchandise was replaced or repaired.
• You have already processed a credit or reversal for the transaction

Extras you can use regardless of card brand (you can also dispute via PayPal, if you used that):

  • Blizzard Entertainment knowingly sold a service that was, by their own posted admission, “not working as intended” and has continued to sell this service in a broken state.
  • Blizzard Entertainment has stated, in their own posting regarding this issue, that they “do not have a workaround or resolution” to the defective product.
  • Blizzard Entertainment has refused to provide refunds, citing a “no refunds” policy if the purchased product has been redeemed, even though there is no way to know whether your account will be affected until AFTER redemption.
  • Blizzard Entertainment heavily promoted this specific service ahead of its Cataclysm launch date of May 20, 2024, despite the service being broken for a statistically significant portion of players, and despite detrimentally impacting these players who paid for the service and who will now be at a substantial disadvantage on the launch date.
  • Blizzard Entertainment has made no effort to ameliorate the service disruption with any form of customer compensation in the form of refund, partial refund, in-game benefit, or shop credit.
  • Blizzard Entertainment may be considered a non-responsive merchant as they have provided no meaningful updates, no timeframe for remedy, and no workaround for affected customers/players.
  • Blizzard Entertainment has not included this bug on the “known issues” list and has continued to sell and promote the service while obscuring the issue from customers, who find out about it after paying for the service and being affected. Customers are then refused refunds if they request one.

Good luck, all.


blizzard will ban you if you do a chargeback, fyi

Would love to get a response from blizz on this one. Very annoying not being able to use my professions.

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