Pet bar randomly stuck behind bar 2

You aren’t important enough to decide what matters to other players. This is pure hubris on your part.

Same thread from yesterday:

And here’s how you have to work around another raid bug:

Partial Solve-
This happened to my raid this week in BoT. We killed 2/5H on Tuesday, then came back Thursday to do normal council with 1 new person who wasn’t with us on Tuesday. Killed council on normal and couldn’t set it back to heroic. The one new person had a different raid ID.
We ran out of instance and disbanded raid, everyone logged out and logged back in. Alt F4 didnt work, had to logout. couple folks had to exit wow completely. Everyone was able to re-enter on Heroic except for the 1 person who wasn’t there on Tuesday. Only problem was, council was back up. We killed it on normal with NO NEW RAIDERS, then had our replacement come in for H cho’gall after re-clearing council.

And the dungeon bug where higher level players are getting placed in low level dungeons using RDF STILL PERSISTS.

And you deny you’re shilling for Blizzard :roll_eyes:. This is just another example of you excusing Blizzard’s incompetence because you KNOW a lot of people care. The cool thing about the HH mount was you could fly into a no fly zone without being dismounted since it was also a ground mount. Just an added perk - kinda’ like the perk of carrying a passenger with the Vial of sands mount. Except you can’t because your passenger gets kicked off. Who cares? The people who spent an extraordinary time farming this mount.

As for the HH mount, Blizzard had this to say:

Except they didn’t intend to “sort out anything.” The Cata pre patch took care of that … years later.

Pretending that bugs don’t matter is absurd. The bugs and glitches with mounts, phasing, UI, holiday events, raids, dungeons, transmog, quests, blah blah… all add up to a buggy mess of a game. This is just ONE more thing on top of dozens and dozens of other things. Just ONE MORE THING to work around. It’s gotten beyond old.