Just because I don’t know where they get the info doesn’t mean I don’t trust them. They’re the ones that experimented and alerted about the heightened drop rate, so they probably made their list through their runs.
Anyways, not sure why you’re so angry right now and looking for a fight. Have a good night.
I got the blazing drake today so that was a nice surprise! It was my final drake left for the achieve to get the the emerald drake reward.
I’m definitely going to try pounding at least a few more TWing raids, as time permits as well as not being insta-declined from groups because only 5 or 6 have 460 or higher ilvl. The tuning on Rag is slightly tight on the seed bomb phase so instead of saving lust/warp for that, a disproportionate amount of people want to brute-force it with people who outgear the drops from said raid.
One of my bnet buddies got his last mount he needed from his second attempt. So lucky.
Yes, you get the quest from the tw raid dwarf. This event she is near the vata portals in sw/org.
Honestly, I think the drop rate is good but not anywhere near 25%.
My invincible and mimrons head took about 70 attempts. That’s about 3%. Last time I got 4 cata mounts out of 36 which is also about 11%. So I’d say maybe 3% and up drop rate.
21 runs so far, 0 mounts, still missing blazing drake and timereaver. 6 runs to go but yeah feels like they nerfed this pretty hard or the initial 25% guess was way off.
Hi bro, so I took the quest and did a complete Firelands raid, i delivered the quest but I didn’t see any buffs on the character, maybe this isn’t someone’s invention?
All i wanted is experiment 12… already made more than 300 attempts on 8 toons…
I didn’t find him overtuned. People just need to do simple mechanics. Like avoid the smash and the waves that come after… and in phase 2, stack on one side of the room then blitz to the other once seeds spawn. Since the seeds have falloff damage.
The problem stems from the fact that there will always be at least one person who just flat out ignores you and spawns seeds where you are going to go.
Getting 30 people to manage instant death mechanics is crazy. Im on like 18 attempts this week and not one pug has been capable of these two things:
A) moving from seeds (instant death if defensive and healer CDs aren’t used)
B) killing sons before hammer (instant death)
These aren’t supposed to require comms.
Maybe its just bad luck for me but it’s insanely annoying trying to do Ragnaros Firelands for like 4 hours this week and not finding anyone capable.
That’s overtuned. Yogg/Illidan are faceroll compared to this mess. Find some balance.
Just finished doing 11 for the week myself. Disappointing. There was a time in this game, back in WoD where the infinite timeweaver was quite litteraly one of the only mounts I was missing in this game. Years later I’m still missing it. Lmao