Yup so for you personally Each Rag Kill Quest will have a 25% chance at a mount. And that mount will be 50% 12b and 50% Blazing Drake.
Ya, sometimes your just unlucky. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve ran dungeons in Classic where the drop chance for the item is 30% and it took me 15 runs to see it drop. Sometimes RNG just says screw you in particular. (Like my ret pally who got that 2-hand agility sword from the Cache at 1/6 hero which for some reason is still on the loot table for Paly/DK/War)
But on average most people will see a mount every 4-6 quests. It’s best to look for skip groups so you can kill the boss in 4 mins, open chest, hop on and alt and do it again.
Yeah all I need is blazing drake. I did see few people in my previous TW raids in 2023 get mimrons and invincible also saw one get it around the vendor in northrend and saw their invincible achievement must have opened their cache. Thats when I noticed this was a “thing”? Lol
I had no idea this was a thing. Shame I don’t think I know enough people to get together a raid I suppose (95% of my friends quit and those that didn’t are on classic only for raiding).
Well there are a couple of bosses which are a pain like Flame Leviathan. But all of the end bosses are easy with 30 people and alot of people form skip groups.
I’ve led skip groups before. If you needs something more detailed:
Join a full run Firelands group in legacy raid finder. Leave the group after you’ve killed all the bosses except Ragnaros. Start your own skip group in the legacy raid finder with at least one battle net friend (only they can invite your alt back to group). Once you have a full group queue for the raid from the tw raid NPC (it’s the dwarf, I forget her name). Once you’re ported inside leave the raid and instance group. Hop on your alt and get your bnet friend to invite you back to group. You’ll be ported in and your still at Rag with the raid group you formed.
Edit: And don’t forget to pick up the weekly/have someone in the group share it with you.
Not sure why you’re coming in here trying to antagonize my experience and where I get my info, but yeah, I haven’t heard of those mounts dropping from the cache. I can always change the info I give if I’m shown they can drop
The Lord of the Reins server is really good at giving info about any and all mounts, so I trust their list.