Cata Mount Grind Week

I don’t even know what this mean, tbh.

Timeweaver and every raid mount for their respective expansion has a chance to drop from the raid quest associated with timewalking event.

The quest completes for killing rag this week.

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Ah, I see. Well good luck to those doing that.

Starts playing with keys.

I have 6 attempts so far and only pets. I was starting to think this wasn’t a thing but this thread gives me hope.

I’m going to chalk it up to bad RNG and keep trying.

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Wait, okay so I derped. I ran not 10 characters, but 12 separate characters. Of the 12, I got 1 Mount and 11 Pets.

Sooo with that being said… not only is it actually not 25%, it is also not 10%… It’s less than that! 1/12 is a little over 8%.

Good luck to all the other mount farmers out there!~

Sample size of 12 cmon lol. We know it’s not 25 and it’s def lower but nobody can be certain what it really is.

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How does Ragnaros give mount attempts?

Is it so much to ask for a new dungeon rotation? I think it’s a shame that there are so many dungeons that aren’t used, and not even in the LvL phase.
Since Cata TW is currently active, just as an example: Hour of Twilight, The Well of Eternity, etc.

Weekly timewalking raid quest cache

No luck with experiment 12 here… back to rng… more than 300 attempts already… hope that drop before 2050


:rofl: Haha true, I’m just giving my numbers. I needed two mounts, the ones from Deathwing, so seeing 25% was huge incentive to try for sure. Was hanging onto it actually being at least 25% :stuck_out_tongue:

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what is the minimum ilv to run ragnaros? I have other toons but very bad gear…

Gear scales so ilvl doesn’t matter much, but raid leads don’t seem to know or care. You can apply at any ilvl but might be harder to get in groups.

No minimum people will for the most part just invite anyone. Playing a healer or tank drastically improves your odds of an invite. Don’t even need to be 70, but it helps.

13 70s in LK - Nothing
14 70s in Cata - Nothing


Glad i got all the Dragon Soul n Firelands mounts

And also Invincible n Mimiron’s Head n all the drakes etc since i saw LK mentioned

Hrm, wasn’t there a wolf from the Trial raid… i forget now. If so not sure i got it, n don’t really care at this point anymore

well i think iam a bit lucky, got 12-b drake and blazing drake today after 9 kills, always searching for rag skip on lfg with my alts.

last year i got invincible and mimiron too, idk if the rate drop is insanely high or i was just lucky

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Ran 17 characters across Ulduar this week. Didn’t even see a mount. The drop chance n this post is quite off I’m thinking.

probably between 1% and definitely lower than 7-8%.

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