Cata Mount Grind Week

It’s cata tw week. That means an increased chance on all the mounts from Dragon Soul and Firelands from the tw raid quest. Anyone else gonna grind out Ragnaros skips for mount attempts?

Experiment 12-B is the last mount I need out of all the increased chance timewalking mounts. I hope I can get it soon so I can stop grinding these raids, lol.


Expalin your skip method

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There’s an increased chance at mount drops?


Run to big bird, get 3 feather, kill and then immediately fly to rag.


Thanks for reminding me about dragon soul op. I cannot do spine for the life of me it’s so sad. At this point I’d buy carries :dracthyr_cry_animated:

  1. Go to legacy raid finder. Look for groups named “Rag Skip” or similarly. Sign up.
  2. Join a tw raid full run. Drop group once all are dead except Rag. List skip group and make a raid. Enter the raid, leave, have a Bnet friend invite another one of ur alts back to group.

Yup, and it’s by a lot. Last cata tw I got like all cata raid mounts except experiment.


Either this claim is wrong or blue protodrake is not in the game.

Or RNGesus hates me. One of those 3.


I’m not seeing any documentation on this? All I’m seeing is that the mounts have a chance to drop from the Timewalking Cache. :dracthyr_shrug:


Yeah I need to see about this because Experiment and I think one other mount is all I need for the dragon mount achievement.

I can do Spine in my sleep

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25% drop chance for the mounts and Infinite Timereaver, and the catche will not drop duplicates you already have.


All I can find is this:



when did they say this?

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Can you link this information for me? Because I’m not seeing anything about this.


Oh, okay. Timewalking raid quest’s cache has a chance to drop a raid mounts+ Infinite Timereaver from that given expansion. Gotcha.

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No need to run dragon soul if its just for the mounts. Do tw rag skips.

When it first came out in 10.2 or 10.1.5, cant remember, the lord of the reins disocrd did the math and it was a dramatic increase. And i mean ive gotten all the tw mounts so


WoWhead comment section on the raid caches…

I got my Mimiron’s Head after 5 Yogg Quests last Timewalking. Other are similarly reporting a ~25% chance drop rate. Also you get a piece of 1/6 Hero track gear.

So basically that expansion Cache of Timewarped Treasures has a 25% chance to drop any of that expansions Raid Mounts or a Infinite Timereaver and will not drop a mount you already own.


There’s no way the dropchance is that high. So I’m not going by rando people’s assumptions.

Which means there is no “increased droprate from raids,” it’s just the article I linked: a chance to drop from the cache.

Me being dumb, ignore all of this!

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It is! During Ulduar timewalking in the raids of 30 players we were seeing about 5 Invincible’s Reins, Mimiron’s Head or Infinite Time Reavers a run and those were only the people going back to the raid entrance to turn in the quest and open the box in the instance!

Most people are getting a mount every 3-6 quests. Also the cache will still give you a 467 ilvl 1/6 hero piece of gear WHICH CAN BE CONVERTED TO TIER at the Catalyst.


I know of no person across three servers who has ever seen a mount drop from these, nor have I ever received a mount from these and I run at least 5 characters every Timewalking week for that cache. There’s no way that droprate is 25%.

Me being dumb again, ignore all of this, too!

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We are talking about the raid quest to kill Illidan/Yogg/Ragnaros in the Timewalking Raid instance.

The Complete 5 Timewalking Dungeon Quests DO NOT drop the mounts.

These 3 quests: